
Jökull - 01.12.1974, Page 56

Jökull - 01.12.1974, Page 56
* Stratigraphic position of dated sample • Conglomerote horizon — Tillite horizon + +• Tillite horizon associated with hyaloclastiles. Extensive hyaloclastites are indicated by double crosses I Acid volcanism Fig. 8. The Húsafell sec- tion fitted to the geo- polarity time scale on the basis of K/Ar datings and paleomagnetic strati- graphy. The geopolarity time scale is after Cox (1969) and McDougall and Aziz-Ur-Rahman (1972). The stratigraphic position of glacial hori- zons is indicated by bars. Crossed bars indicate that hyaloclastites are associat- ed with the tillites. Con- glomerate horizons below the Mammoth event are indicated by dots. Mynd 8. Jarðlagasnið af Húsafellssvœðina (vinstri hlið) fellt að segultima- talinu (hcegri hlið) á grundvelli K/Ar aldurs- greininga og segulmcel- inga. Af samanburðinum má sjá tímasetningu hinna þriggja líparítgos- hrina og dreifingu jökul- skeiðanna í tíma. A jarð- lagasniðinu samsvara 3,5 mm 100 m þykkum jarð- lagabunka. 4. DEVELOPMENT OF THE LAVA PILE IN THE LIGHT OF THE FIXED AGES The fixed age of the sequence allows a number of conclusions to be made regarding the development of the lava pile. The most important of these concern (1) the rate of growth of the lava pile (2) the life span of the central volcano (3) the onset, frequency and duration of glaciations and (4) the significance of the unconformities in tlre upper part of tlie section. 4.1 RATE OF LAVA PRODUCTION The rate of lava production can be estimated with some confidence for several successive time intervals as is summarized in Table 2. Values for the thickness and number of flows are derived from the area on the soutlrwestern outskirts of the central volcano and just to the west of it. Tlie average rate of growth of the lava pile is very near to 110 m per 100,000 years. The number of flows within a group shows less obvious relationships to the time in- 54 JÖKULL 24. ÁR



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