
Jökull - 01.06.2000, Blaðsíða 24

Jökull - 01.06.2000, Blaðsíða 24
Fiona S. Tweed problem noted by other workers (e.g. Hooke et al, 1990, p. 70). The closure rate according to Nye’s theory is gi- ven by: Í=A(±?) (1) where: n = flow law constant, 3 (Paterson, 1994) A = flow law constant, 6.8-10_16s_1 (kPa)-3 (Pater- son, 1994) AP = pressure difference between the water in the tunnel and the surrounding ice Assuming that the water flow is at atmospheric pressure, AP is equal to the ice overburden pressure, P, which is given by: P = tg piCos2/3 (2) where: t = vertical thickness of ice above the tunnel g = gravitational acceleration, 9.82 ms-2 pi = ice density, 900 kg/m3 /3 = slope angle The conduit slope angle at Sólheimajökull (/3 = 1.65°) was derived by topographically surveying the entrance and exit portal outlets at ground level and, in the absence of subglacial topographic informati- on, assuming a constant slope between the two points. The maximum ice thickness (71.7 m) was calculated by means of topographic surveying of the ice above the tunnel over the length of the glacier and construct- ing a profile of the ice surface. A projected subglacial bedrock surface profile was also constructed (in the absence of data concerning the bedrock topography) and the maximum glacier thickness was obtained by subtracting the constructed bedrock elevation from the measured elevation of the ice surface. Under overburden pressure of ice alone a tunnel at atmospheric pressure at Sólheimajökull would reach 63% closure (1 — e-1) in approximately 182 days. Us- ing a tunnel radius of 2.5 m, the initial closure rate, (r) predicted by Nye’s model is equivalent to approxima- tely 14 mm per day. It should be noted that the closure rate defined by Nye’s model (equation 1) refers to a relative radius reduction in an exponential decay of the tunnel radius due to ice pressure; the rate of tunnel closure therefore decreases as the radius of the tunnel becomes smaller. B) TUNNEL EXPANSION BY MELT WIDENING Offsetting tunnel closure by deformation of ice is the process of tunnel expansion due to melt-widening. Measurements taken during the summer of 1989, 1990 and 1996 and during a winter visit to the site in 1991 indicate that the maximum likely discharge from the river draining Jökulsárgil is approximately 12 m3s-1 and that the minimum is roughly 2 m3s-1. Hooke’s (1984) model of melt-widening is given by the following equation (neglecting a small term due to the depression of the melting point of ice due to the ice overburden pressure). where: rh = melt rate g = gravitational acceleration, 9.82 ms-2 Ds = diameter of tunnel H = heat of fusion, 3.34x 105 Jkg-1 pw = density of water, 1000 kg/m3 Pi = density of ice, 900 kg/m3 Q = discharge /3 = slope of conduit Hooke’s (1984) model was applied to the tunn- el at Sólheimajökull. The model predicts a melt rate of 21 mm per day at the minimum water flow rate of 2 m3s-1 and up to 124 mm per day at the maximum discharge of 12 m3s-1. C) IMPLICATIONS FOR TUNNEL DYNAMICS AT SÓLHEIMAJÖKULL Even under conditions of low river discharge (2 m3s-1) the rate of melting of ice from the tunnel walls is sufficient to offset the closure of the tunn- el due to ice overburden pressure (a melt rate of 21 mm against a tunnel closure rate of 14 mm). Thus the models predict that the tunnel at Sólheima- jökull will not seal. This is not in agreement with geomorphological observations, which indicate than an ice-dammed lake is occasionally formed in Jök- ulsárgil at present (as further discussed below). The 22 JÖKULL No. 48
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