

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2015, Page 21

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2015, Page 21
113 Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags Standardized trials were carried out in order to determine the leading char- acteristics of purebred leadersheep. Their willingness to walk or run ahead of “ordinary sheep” proved to be une- quivocal. A study was carried out in the au- tumn of 2008 in order to determine the size of the leadersheep population in the country based on recorded numbers nationwide. A total of 1422 individuals of the strain were identified and record- ed. As it is never possible to identify all individuals it is estimated that in fact the total number was 1450–1500 winter- fed sheep in that year. Of these 83.7% were ewes, 7.5% rams and 8.8% wethers. The leadersheep population was con- fined to 415 flocks with 60% of them with only one or two such individuals while the maximum number was 20 in a single flock. Leaderewes were kept to higher ages than other ewes. The popu- lation proved to be unevenly distributed over the country. Vestur-Barðastrandar- sýsla was the only county without any leadersheep. The distribution was spo- radic and thin in the remaining part of the Westfjords as well as in the area stretching from Hvolsvöllur Town in South-Iceland and eastwards as far as the river Jökulsá á Dal in East-Iceland. The nucleus of the breeding stock was, and has probably always been, on the Northeast corner of Iceland. The basic colours of leadersheep are normally black or brown and the fre- quency of these colour genes appears to be virtually equal in the population. The gene for two colours (piebald) has the frequency of 0.92 in this strain of sheep. The inbreeding coefficient (F) was 0.0274 of those individuals having sufficient pedigree data to enable its calculation. The results indicate that increased in- breeding in leadersheep has been suc- cessfully controlled during the last few decades. The influence of certain indi- viduals in the population is discussed as well as how best its genetic diversity can be maintained. Looking at the leader- sheep population as a whole it seems to represent an example of a strain of a sheep breed, which has been success- fully conserved. The proposal is put forward that in the future the leadersheep strain of Icelandic sheep should be classified as a special livestock breed. Þakkir Við þökkum þeim Láru Sigurðardóttur á Hallgilsstöðum á Langanesi og Úlfhildi Helgadóttur á Ytra-Álandi í Þistilfirði innilega fyrir samvisku- semi og nákvæmni við rekstartilraunina sem lýst er í greininni. Forystufjáreigendum um allt land er þakkaður áhugi og velvilji við að veita upplýsingar um áhugaverða fjáreign sína. Heimildir 1. Stefán Aðalsteinsson 1981. Origin and conservation of farm animal populations in Iceland. Zeitschrift für Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungs- biologie 98. 258–264. 2. Ólafur R. Dýrmundsson & Niznikowski, R. 2010. North European short- tailed breeds of sheep: a review. Animal 4. 1275–1282. 3. Jón Torfason & Jón Viðar Jónmundsson 2000. Íslenska sauðkindin. Bóka- útgáfan Hofi. 174 bls. 4. Tapio, M., Tapio, I., Grislis, Z., Holm, L-E., Jeppsson, S., Kantanen, J., Miceikiene, I., Olsaker, I., Viinalass, H. & Emma Eyþórsdóttir 2005. Nati- ve breeds demonstrate high contribution to the molecular variation in the northern European sheep. Molecular Ecology 14. 3951–3963. 5. Ryder, M.L. 1983. Sheep and Man. Duckeworth, London. 846 bls. 6. Jón Viðar Jónmundsson, Lárus G. Birgisson & Stefán Aðalsteinsson 1994. Leader sheep in Iceland. Proceedings of 5th WCGALP (World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production), Guelph, Kanada 20. 162–164. 7. Hinch, G.N. 1997. Genetics of behaviour. Bls. 353–374 í: The Genetics of Sheep (ritstj. Piper, L. & Ruvinsky, A.). CAB International, London. 8. Ólafur R. Dýrmundsson 2002. Leadersheep: the unique strain of Icelandic sheep. AGRI 32. 45–48. 9. Ólafur R. Dýrmundsson, Emma Eyþórsdóttir & Jón Viðar Jónmundsson 2013. Behavioural studies on Icelandic leadersheep. EAAP (European Association for Animal Production) Annual Meeting, Session 20a, 27. ágúst 2013 í Nantes, Frakklandi. Book of Abstracts. 264. 10. Laxdæla saga 1987. Íslendinga sögur og þættir III, s. 1569, Ritstjórar Bragi Halldórsson og fl., Svart á hvítu, Reykjavík. 1537–1654. 11. Heiðarvígasaga,1987. Íslendinga sögur og þættir II, s.1319. Ritstjórar Bragi Halldórsson og fl. Svart á hvítu, Reykjavík. 1336–1396. 12. Harðar saga og Hólmverja 1987. Íslendinga sögur og þættir II. s 1284, Ritstjórar Bragi Halldórsson og fl. Svart á hvítu, Reykjavík. 1253–1299. 13. Jónsbók 2004 = Jónsbók. Lögbók Íslendinga hver samþykkt var á alþingi árið 1281 og endurnýjuð um miðja 14. öld en fyrst prentuð árið 1578. Sýnisbók íslenskrar alþýðumenningar 8. Már Jónsson tók saman. Háskólaútgáfan Reykjavík. Bls. 213. 14. Jón Árnason 1954. Íslenzkar þjóðsögur og ævintýri I. Ritstjóri Einar Ó. Sveinsson. 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