
Jökull - 01.12.2007, Blaðsíða 57

Jökull - 01.12.2007, Blaðsíða 57
Seismicity in Iceland during 2006 100 small earthquakes concentrated at depths of 13– 27 km, suggesting that this seismicity is related to magmatic movements in the lower part of the crust. Tjörnes Fracture Zone The Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ, Figure 1) is a zone of transform faulting north of Iceland. The seismicity of this zone occurs mainly within two, WNW trend- ing, seismic lineaments: the Grímsey lineament (GL) and the Húsavík-Flatey Fault (HFF). Earthquakes also occur within a third lineament, the Dalvík lineament (DL). Earthquake sequences in the TFZ are very com- mon and 2006 was no exception. Most sequences took place within the GL, but the largest sequence was a mainshock-aftershock sequence southeast of the is- land Flatey, within the HFF (Figure 10). The sequence commenced with a magnitude 4.2 mainshock on 1 November, which was felt in the north of the coun- try at distances over 70 km from the source (Table 1). Aftershocks were recorded from 1–5 November. Af- ter relocation, the hypocenters clustered at depths of around 11 km along a WNW striking plane dipping to the northeast. The focal mechanism of the mainshock suggests right-lateral movement of the fault. Several earthquake swarms have been detected in the last few years beneath Kaldbakur (Figure 1), on the Dalvík lineament of the TFZ. The most numer- ous swarm occurred in August 2006 with over a hun- dred earthquakes, the largest registering a magnitude of 3.5. In November a smaller swarm was detected in the same area. Figure 10. Mainshock-aftershock sequence along the Húsavík-Flatey fault plotted on a multibeam bathymetric map of the seafloor, southeast of the island Flatey. The focal mechanism of the mainshock shows right-lateral movement along a WNW-striking plane dipping to the northeast. – Skjálftaröð á Húsavíkur-Flateyjarmisgeng- inu, suðaustur af Flatey. Brotlausn meginskjálftans sýnir hægrihandar sniðgengishreyfingu á VNV-lægu plani sem hallar til norðausturs. JÖKULL No. 57 55
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