

Jökull - 01.12.2007, Blaðsíða 40

Jökull - 01.12.2007, Blaðsíða 40
McPeek et al. position of nutrients, particularly phosphorus (P), and of tephra could have significant impact on soil forma- tion (Arnalds, 2004; Gislason et al., 1996), a concur- rent examination of changes in mineral nutrients and carbon (C) will improve our understanding of the ef- fects of biotic and abiotic factors on soil formation. Humid climate and uniform parent materials therefore make Iceland an ideal location for studying how we- athering affects soil development and the rate of chan- ges in soil nutrients, e.g., nitrogen (N) and P, in young volcanic soils. A terrestrial ecosystem depends on the availabi- lity of numerous elements, including C and P, to func- tion properly. Carbon dioxide (CO2) enters the bio- sphere from the atmosphere mostly via photosynthe- sis of green plants. Carbon in plants can cycle thro- ugh other pathways (e.g., plant respiration) and return to the atmosphere. Carbon in plants can also become part of soil organic C pool. Carbon content in young soils tends to increase as the soil develops. Thus, C content in the soil is indicative of how plant activity and other aspects of an ecosystem have changed over a period of time. Phosphorus, on the other hand, has no natural ga- seous phase. The main source of P in terrestrial envi- ronments is rocks and P is released into the ecosys- tem by chemical weathering of these rocks, although deposition of airborne P can also contribute to soil P pool to some extent (Chadwick et al., 1999; Gislason et al., 1996). The most significant source for P in soils is apatite minerals. These minerals can be congruently weathered as a result of reaction with dissolved CO2 in water: Ca5(PO4)3OH+ 4CO2 + 3H2O! 5Ca2+ + 3HPO2!4 + 4HCO 1! 3 In soils, P is released from mineral grains by se- veral processes. First, the reduced pH produced from respiration-related CO2 in the vicinity of both de- composing organic matter and root hairs dissolves P- bearing minerals (mainly apatites) and releases P to root pore spaces. Second, organic acids released by plant roots can also dissolve apatite minerals and re- lease P to soil pore spaces (Jurinak et al., 1986). Pho- sphorus is immobile in most soils, and its slow rate of diffusion from dissolved form in pore spaces strongly limits its supply to root surfaces. Furthermore, much of the available P in soils is in complex organicmatter, which is not directly accessible for plant or microbial uptake. As a consequence, plants and microbes have developed two specific tactics to increase the supply of P to roots. One is through phosphatase, an enzyme often excreted by plants and soil microbes. Phospha- tase can catalyze the release of bio-available inorganic P from organic matter. Another is through a symbio- tic mutualism between plants and mycorrhizae, which not only increase the absorption surface of plant ro- ots, but also excrete phosphatase and organic acids to release P and provide an active uptake site for P that is diffused from soil pore spaces to root surfaces (e.g., Schlesinger, 1997). The distribution among different forms of soil P changes greatly with time and soil development. The forms of soil P can be grouped into refractory (not re- adily bio-available) and labile (readily bio-available). The refractory forms include P in apatite minerals and P co-precipitated with and/or adsorbed onto iron and manganese oxyhydroxides (termed “occluded” P). The reducible oxyhydroxides have large binding capacities for phosphate, due to their immense surface area and numerous delocalized positively charged si- tes (e.g., Froelich, 1988). The labile forms include P in soil pore spaces (as dissolved phosphate ion) and adsorbed onto soil particle surfaces (these forms are termed “nonoccluded” P), as well as P incorporated in soil organic matter. On a newly-exposed lithic sur- face, nearly all of the P is present as P in apatite. With time and soil development, however, P is increasingly released from this form and incorporated in the others (Crews et al., 1995; Filippelli, 2002; Filippelli and Souch, 1999; Filippelli et al., 2006; Walker and Sy- ers, 1976). Over time, the total amount of P available in the soil profile decreases, as soil P is lost through surface and subsurface runoff. Eventually, the soil re- aches a terminal steady state, when soil P is heavily recycled and any P lost through runoff is slowly re- placed by new P weathered from apatite minerals at the base of the soil column. 38 JÖKULL No. 57
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Ársrit Jöklarannsóknarfélags Íslands og Jarðfræðafélags Íslands
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1951-í dag
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Jón Eyþórsson (1952-1967)
Sigurður Þórarinsson (1957-1982)
Guðmundur Pálmason (1965-1976)
Sveinbjörn Björnsson (1967-1976)
Helgi Björnsson (1983-1985)
Leó Kristjánsson (1983-1985)
Ólafur G. Flóvenz (1986-1987)
Tómas Jóhannesson (1988-1989)
Helgi Björnsson (1990-1993)
Leó Kristjánsson (1990-1993)
Áslaug Geirsdóttir (1994-2007)
Tómas Jóhannesson (1998-1998)
Bryndís Brandsdóttir (1998-2007)
Halldór Gíslason (2002-2003)
Snævarr Guðmundsson (2006-2007)
Freysteinn Sigmundsson (2008-2008)
Leifur A. Símonarson (2008-2008)
Olgeir Sigmarsson (2008-2008)
Ívar Örn Benediktsson (2012-2012)
Helgi Björnsson (2012-2012)
Guðrún Larsen (2012-2012)
Olgeir Sigmarsson (2012-2012)
Bryndís Brandsdóttir (2013-2016)
Snævarr Guðmundsson (2013-2016)
Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson (2013-2016)
Reykjavík Jöklarannsóknafélag Íslands Jarðfræðafélag Íslands 1951-.

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