
Jökull - 01.01.2009, Síða 17

Jökull - 01.01.2009, Síða 17
Langjökull, energy balance and degree-day models leysingar og lofthita eru breytileg eftir veðurfari, árs- tíðum og breytingum á yfirborðseiginleikum jökuls- ins. Með gögnum um orkustrauma, veðurþætti og leysingu sem aflað hefur verið á Langjökli er unnt að meta þetta. Einnig er unnt að kanna hvort lofthiti mældur utan jökla eða ofan við bráðnandi jökluyfir- borðið lýsi betur jökulleysingu. Niðurstöðurnar sýna að gráðudagalíkön spá allvel meðalleysingu yfir nokkra daga, þegar breytileiki jök- ulleysingar orsakast af varmastraumum frá hlýju lofti og vegna þéttingar loftraka yfir jöklinum. Undantekn- ingar frá þessu eru þegar sveiflur í vindhraða frem- ur en lofthita breyta varmastraum. Almennt reynd- ust gráðudagalíkön lýsa betur jökulleysingu með hita mældum utan jökuls en á honum. Skýringin er sú að lofthiti lækkar fljótt yfir bráðnandi jökli og lýs- ir verr sveiflum í sólgeislun og varmastraumum sem berast að jöklinum heldur en hiti mældur utan jökuls- ins. Annað áhyggjuefni sem varðar gráðudagalíkön, sem eru stillt af við núverandi veðurfarsaðstæður, er hvort þau gildi við hlýnandi loftslag. Okkar niður- stöður benda til að gráðudagalíkön séu nothæf til að spá fyrir um breytingu á meðaltali jökulleysingar ef hlýnun er ekki umfram 3 !C frá þeim hita sem gráðu- dagalíkanið var bestað fyrir. REFERENCES Andreas, E. L. 1987. A theory for the scalar roughness and the scalar transfer coefficients over snow and sea ice. Bound.-layer Meteorol. 38, 159–184. Björnsson, H. 1972. Bægisárjökull, North Iceland. Results of glaciological investigations 1967–1968. Part II. The energy balance. Jökull 22, 44–61. Björnsson, H., F. Pálsson, M. T. Guðmundsson and H. H. Haraldsson 1998. Mass balance of western and north- ern Vatnajökull, Iceland, 1991–1995. Jökull 45, 35– 58. Björnsson, H., F. Pálsson and H. H. Haraldsson 2003. Mass balance of Vatnajökull (1991–2001) and Langjökull (1996–2001), Iceland. Jökull 53, 75–78. Björnsson, H., S. Guðmundsson and F. Pálsson 2005. Glacier winds on Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland and their relation to temperatures of its lowland environs. A. Glaciol. 42, 291–296. Braithwaite, R. J. 1995a. Positive degree-day factors for ablation on the Greenland ice sheet studied by energy- balance modelling. J. Glaciol. 41, 153–160. Braithwaite, R. J. 1995b. Aerodynamic stability and turbu- lent sensible-heat flux over a melting ice surface, the Greenland ice sheet. J. Glaciol. 41, 562–571. Brock, B. W., I. C. Willis and M. J. Sharp 2006. Measure- ments and parameterization of aerodynamic roughness length variations at Haut Glacier d’Arolla, Switzer- land. J. Glaciol. 52, 281–297. Buck, A. L. 1981. New equations for computing vapor pressure and enhancement factor. J. Appl. Meteorol. 20, 1527–1532. Denby, B. and P. Smeets 2000. Derivation of turbulent flux profiles and roughness lengths for temperature on a melting glacier surface. Bound.-Layer Meteorol. 39, 1601–1612. Dyer, A. 1974. A review of flux-profile relationships. Bound.-Layer Meteorol. 7, 363–372. Greuell, W. and T. Konzelmann 1994. Numerical mod- elling of the energy balance and the englacial temper- ature of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Calculation for the ETH-Camp location (West Greenland, 1155 m a. s. l.). Global and Planetary Change 9, 91–114. Guðmundsson, S., H. Björnsson, F. Pálsson and H. H. Har- aldsson, 2003. Comparison of physical and regression models of summer ablation on ice caps in Iceland. The Nordic project Climate Water and Energy (CWE). 31 pp. www.os.is/cwefiles/downloads/ glaciers/emodel-sv2003.pdf Guðmundsson, S., H. Björnsson, F. Pálsson and H. H. Har- aldsson 2005. Energy balance of Brúarjökull and cir- cumstances leading to the August 2004 floods in the river Jökla, N-Vatnajökull. Jökull 55, 121–138. Hock, R. and B. Holmgren 1996. Some aspects of energy balance and ablation of Storglaciären, northern Swe- den. Geogr. Ann. 78A, 121–131. Hock, R. 1999. A distributed temperature-index ice- and snowmelt model including potential direct solar radia- tion. J. Glaciol. 45, 101–111. Högström, U. 1988. Non-dimensional wind and tempera- ture profiles in the atmospheric surface layer. Bound.- Layer Meteorol. 42, 44–78. Högström, U. 1996. Review of some basic characteris- tics of the atmospheric surface layer, a re-evaluation. Bound.-Layer Meteorol. 78, 215–246. Jóhannesson, T., O. Sigurðsson, T. Laumann and M. Ken- net 1995. Degree-day glacier mass-balance modelling with application to glaciers in Iceland, Norway and Greenland. J. Glaciol. 41, 345–358. JÖKULL No. 59 17
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