

Jökull - 01.01.2009, Síða 19

Jökull - 01.01.2009, Síða 19
Reviewed research article Chemical and mechanical fluvial denudation in cold environments: Comparison of denudation rates from three catchments in sub-Arctic Eastern Iceland, sub-Arctic Finnish Lapland and Arctic Swedish Lapland Achim A. Beylich Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Quaternary Geology and Climate group, NO-7491 Trondheim; and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Geography, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway achim.beylich@NGU.NO Abstract — Chemical and mechanical fluvial denudation rates are analysed in the Hrafndalur catchment in sub-Arctic Eastern Iceland, the Kidisjoki catchment in the sub-Arctic Kevo region (Baltic Shield area) in north- ernmost Finnish Lapland and the Latnjavagge catchment in the sub-Arctic Abisko Mountain area in northern- most Swedish Lapland. In the steep and alpine Hrafndalur catchment denudation rates are relatively high, with mechanical denudation dominating over chemical denudation due to high mechanical weathering rates of the rhyolites in this area. Both the Kidisjoki and the Latnjavagge catchments are characterised by low contemporary denudation rates where chemical denudation dominates over mechanical fluvial denudation. In Latnjavagge, the low intensity of mechanical fluvial denudation is mainly due to a closed and stable vegeta- tion cover. The low-relief area of Kidisjoki is characterised by very low mechanical fluvial denudation rates. Seasonal snowmelt-generated runoff peaks control annual fluvial sediment transport and denudation rates in Latnjavagge and Kidisjoki whereas rainfall-generated peak runoff is more important in Hrafndalur. In all three catchments about 80–90% of the annual suspended sediment transport and connected denudation occur within a few days during peak runoff. These results also confirm that chemical denudation is a comparatively important process in cold environments. INTRODUCTION There is still limited data available on fluvial solute and sedimentary fluxes and budgets in present-day cold environments (e. g. Clark, 1988; Barsch et al., 1994; Gislason et al., 1996; 2006; Dessert et al., 2006; 2009; Louvat et al., 2008; Eiriksdottir et al., 2008; Beylich, 2008; Beylich and Kneisel, 2009) and significant lack of studies comparing both chemical and mechanical fluvial denudation (e. g. Beylich et al., 2005b; Beylich and Kneisel, 2009; Eiriksdottir et al., 2008). More quantitative studies on contempo- rary fluvial solute and sedimentary fluxes as well as on fluvial sediment budgets are needed to investigate relationships between chemical and mechanical flu- vial denudation in cold environments (Beylich et al., 2008). Early work by e. g. Von Lozinski (1909; 1912) and Peltier (1950) postulated a minor role of chem- ical denudation in cold environments. In contrast to this early opinion, Rapp (1960) concluded after his detailed quantitative studies in Kärkevagge (northern Swedish Lapland) that chemical denudation was the most important denudative process in this sub Arctic- JÖKULL No. 59 19
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