Jökull - 01.01.2009, Page 52
J. T. Andrews and J. Harðardóttir
In this paper we report sediment-magnetic data
from cores taken during two cruises (Table 1). Cruise
JM96- used a 10-cm-diameter giant gravity corer and
retrieved cores that were 2–5 m in length. Cruise
B997- recovered a series of 7-cm-diameter piston
cores from sites between the Southwest and North
central Iceland shelf with lengths between 2.5 and
5.5 m (Helgadóttir, 1997).
In Andrews et al. (2002a) we outlined the aver-
age Holocene sediment properties on either side of
the Denmark Strait (Figure 1) whereas in this paper
we concentrate on an evaluation of the environmental
sediment magnetic properties from these same cores
(Figure 1; Appendices I and II). Our goal is to pro-
vide data on the magnetic characteristics of sediments
derived from the East Greenland margin versus those
derived from Iceland. These data will be useful in
evaluating changes in sediment-magnetic properties
in North Atlantic deep-sea sediments (Robinson et al.,
1995; Pirrung et al., 2002), and it adds additional de-
tail to the North Atlantic-wide compilation of present-
day magnetic characteristics (Watkins and Maher,
2003). We are unable to document the Holocene char-
acter of sediments within Denmark Strait because this
was predominantly an interval of net erosion in that
area (Andrews and Cartee-Schoolfield, 2003).
The cores have been dated to various degrees of
resolution. The AMS 14C dates have been published
in Date Lists (Smith and Licht, 2000; Dunhill et al.,
2004). We focus on cores that span the last 10,000
14C years (! 12,000 cal yr BP) of deposition.
Figure 1. Bathymetry of the re-
gion and the location of the
cores used in this study. The
contours are at 200 m inter-
vals. – Dýptarkort af rann-
sóknarsvæðinu og staðsetning
setkjarna sem fjallað er um í
rannsókninni. Dýptarlínur eru
með 200 m millibili.
52 JÖKULL No. 59