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Jökull - 01.01.2009, Qupperneq 101

Jökull - 01.01.2009, Qupperneq 101
Slope creep in East Iceland observed by InSAR Acknowledgements I thank Ágúst Guðmundsson, Kristján Ágústsson, Þórður Arason and the various scientists who attended several project meetings at the Icelandic Meteorolog- ical Office for their comments and advice. I also thank the four reviewers (Páll Einarsson, Sverrir Guð- mundsson and two anonymous reviewers) for their constructive comments. This project was supported by the Icelandic Avalanche Fund and all satellite data were provided by the European Space Agency through Category-1 project #2424. Bylgjuvíxlmælingar á lausum jarðlögum á Austur- landi Höfundur hefur notað bylgjuvíxlmælingar úr radar- gervitunglum (InSAR) til þess að leita eftir hreyf- ingum á lausum jarðlögum í hlíðum á Austurlandi. Hreyfingar fundust á um 10 stöðum og voru stærstu hreyfingasvæðin í Vopnafirði og í Loðmundarfirði. Þófanum í Seyðisfirði var sérstakur gaumur gefinn því þar höfðu fundist sprungur í jarðvegi árið 2000 og GPS mælingar á fastmerkjum gefið til kynna mikl- ar hreyfingar 2001–2003. InSAR mælingarnar sýna að þetta svæði var þegar farið að hreyfast árið 1998, eða um tveimur árum áður en sprungurnar fundust, en mælingarnar sýna jafnframt engin merki um hreyfing- ar í Þófanum 1995–1997 og 2004–2005. Niðurstöð- ur InSAR mælinganna af Austurlandi benda til þess að þar sem hreyfingar eigi sér stað þá séu þær mjög breytilegar frá einu ári til annars og jafnvel á milli mánaða. REFERENCES Colesanti, C., A. Ferretti, C. Prati and F. Rocca 2003. Monitoring landslides and tectonic motions with the Permanent Scatterers Technique. Engineering Geol- ogy 68, 3–14. Fruneau, B., J. Achache and C. Delacourt 1996. Obser- vation and modelling of the Saint-Etienne-de-Tinee landslide using SAR interferometry. Tectonophysics 265, 181–190. Guðmundsson, Á. 1995a. Landslides or rock glaciers? (in Icelandic). Náttúrufræðingurinn 64, 177–186. Guðmundsson, Á. 1995b. Smjörfjöll mountains - Glacier- free region during the last ice-age between Vopna- fjörður and Hérað (in Icelandic). Eyjar í Eldhafi 43– 62, Gott mál, Reykjavík. Guðmundsson, Á. 2000. Frozen mountains and debris bodies in the Tröllaskagi peninsula, M.Sc. thesis (in Icelandic). University of Iceland, 310 pp. Guðmundsson, Á., Ó. Knudsen and H. Hallsteinsson 2003. Seyðisfjörður - Investigation of the sediment formation and geology of Þófi and Botnar (in Icelandic). JFG Ge- ological services report, 15 pp. Hanssen, R. 2001. Radar interferometry - data interpreta- tion and error analysis. Kluwer Academic Press, Dor- drecht, The Netherlands, 308 pp. Hjartarson, Á. 1997. Loðmundarskriður (in Icelandic). Náttúrufræðingurinn 67, 97–103. Jensen, E. H. 2001. Landslide Hazard in Þófi, Seyðis- fjörður (in Icelandic). IMO document ÚR-EHJ-2001- 01, 5 pp. Jensen, E. H. and T. Jóhannesson 2002. Assessment of landslide risk in Seyðisfjörður, eastern Iceland: first measurement results (in Icelandic). IMO document ÚR-EHJ-2002-03, 10 pp. Jensen, E. H. and T. Sönser 2002. Process oriented land- slide hazard assessment for the south side of Seyðis- fjörður. IMO report VÍ-ÚR02, 45 pp. Jensen, E. H. and A. Hjartarson 2002. Field investigation of the 27 June 2002, Neskaupstaður landslide (in Ice- landic). IMO document ÚR-EHJ-2002-02, 11 pp. Jónsson, Ó. 1976. Landslides (in Icelandic). Ræktunar- félag Norðurlands, Akureyri, 623pp. Jónsson, S. 2007. A Survey of active Landslide Movement in East Iceland from Satellite Radar Interferometry, Report 07004, The Icelandic Meteorological Office, 85 pp. Massonnet, D. and K. L. Feigl 1998. Radar interferometry and its application to changes in the earth’s surface, Rev. Geophys. 34, 441–500. Rosen, P. A., S. Henley, G. Peltzer and M. Simons 2004. Update repeat orbit interferometry package released. EOS Trans. AGU 85, 47. Rott, H., B. Scheuchl, A. Siegel and B. Grasemann 1999. Monitoring very slow slope movements by means of SAR interferometry: A case study from a mass waste above a reservoir in the Otztal Alps, Austria, Geophys. Res. Lett. 26, 1629–1632. Scharroo, R. and P. N. A. M. Visser 1998. Precise orbit de- termination and gravity field improvement for the ERS satellites. J. Geophys. Res. 103, 8113–8127. JÖKULL No. 59 101
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