Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Blaðsíða 29

Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Blaðsíða 29
Fjölmiðlun og menning 1999 27 Introduction People who have needed to search for statistical data about media and culture have often found this to be a time- consuming process, with the information dispersed and even contradictory once it is found. Every year, Statistics Iceland recei ves a large number of inquiries from Iceland and abroad - from individuals, companies and official agencies - asking about the media and cultural activities. This publication has been compiled with the aim of meeting the obvious need for published statistical infonnation about culture and the inedia in Iceland. Statistics Iceland’s reports on culture and media date back to 1964, when Iceland joined UNESCO. Membership en- couraged Statistics Iceland to begin collecting reports on the activities of libraries, cinemas and theatres, concerts, radio and television broadcasting hours and printed publications. Reports on cultural activities were printed virtually every year in Monthly Statistics over the period 1969-1981 and in summarized form in the Statistical Abstract oflceland 1974 and 1984. In the course of time production of these reports was cut back and remained very limited until recently when action was taken to relaunch comprehensive collection of data about culture and the media. This publication can be considered part of that task. The purpose of this publication is twofold. Firstly, it serves as a reference work for anyone in need of accessible, harmonized and sequential information about Icelandic media and culture, either to show the historical development or for intemational comparison. Secondly, it is envisaged as a basic source for media researchers and cultural organizers and planners. In selecting material, an effort was made to present the clearest possible picture of cultural and media activity from one period to the next. However, this is not an exhaustive study in economic, social or cultural terms. Some people would presumably have preferred a different choice of material and approach, but a project such as this is inevitably restricted by considerations of time and space. Various models were used for this publication. Statistics Iceland has benefited in particular from its cooperation within the Nordic Information Centre for Media and Com- munication Research - NORDICOM concerning media sta- tistical. Models have also been sought from statistical agen- cies in other countries and numerous intemational bodies and organizations which handle statistical information on culture and the media. Classification and presentation of the material has been based on intemational standards where available, while also taking care to ensure that the presenta- tion reflects Iceland’s own distinctive characteristics. A highly diverse selection of material is included, com- piled from official statistical collections, reports by official agencies and information from companies and organiza- tions. The bulk of the material has not been previously published. An effort has been made to select material from as close as possible to its original source. Previously published material from Statistics Iceland’s statistical collections has been amended and adapted to larger, reviewed records of data, without this being specially mentioned in notes to the tables. The work is divided into 26 chapters by subject, and includes a total of 326 tables and 52 charts. The first year of reference varies, depending in most cases on how far back the statistical data extend. As a rule the last year of reference is set at 1997 and 1998, or the latest date for which statistics were available when the publication was being completed for printing. The weighting of material varies fTom one chapter to another, on account of the different scope of available sources for each topic. Presentation of inaterial has focused on national figures, and regional details have been restricted to save space. Most of the statistical material consists of basic figures with totals. For the convenience of the reader, proportional figures and volume per capita are shown where appropriate. In other respects the data are presented at face value; monetary sums, for example, are shown at figures for respective years, not adjusted to current prices. The source is stated at the bottom of each table, while defmitions of terms and other necessary details about the nature and scope of the figures are included in the notes. Some tables, especially the longer ones, have gaps in their time sequences. This may be the result of changed definitions, lack of statistical sources for longer or shorter periods, or simply a decision to highlight the main features in order to save space. Readers are asked to bear this in mind when interpreting figures from one period to an- other. A list of main symbols used in the tables is printed on the inside cover. A variety of statistical information on culture and the media which can be found in earlier Statistics Iceland pub- lications has not been included in the present work. Particu- lar reference is made to Monthly Statistics 1969-1981 (re- ports on cultural activities) and 1985-1996 (on Icelandic films, film festivals and special screenings), Statistical Ab- stract of Iceland 1967, 1974 and 1984 (various material), Statistical Yearbook of Iceland 1991 and onwards (book, magazine and newspaper publishing and radio and TV distribution systems) and Icelandic Historical Statistics, 1997 (various older material on published books and maga- zines, and their content). A considerable amount of material about Icelandic culture and media not included in Statistics Iceland publications can also be found in Nordic Statistical Yearbook (former Year- bookofNordic Statistics), and statistical yearbooks ífom the European Audiovisual Observatory, Statistical Yearbook, EUROSTAT, Audio-Visual Statistics: Report 1995, ME- DIA Salles, European Cinema Yearbook and UNESCO, Statistical Yearbook, along witli NORDICOMpublications on Nordic media.
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Fjölmiðlun og menning

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