Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Blaðsíða 109
Tafla 9.15. Hljómtækjaeign 1985-1998. Hlutfall svarenda, %
Table 9.15. Penetration of audio equipment 1985-1998. Percentage of respondents
Ferðútvarp með Ferðaútvarp með
segulbandi geislaspilara
H Ij ómtækj asamstæða Geislaspilari Portable radio Portable radio
Hi-fi eqnipment CD player with cassette recorder with CD player
1985 56,1 1
1990 85,3 1 31,9
1994 82,1 52,5 59,9 15,1
1995 81,6 55,6 61,2 22,6
1996 82,2 60,1 60,8 27,0
1997 81,1 65,7 58,2 36,8
1998 79,3 73,9 64,1
Skýring: Upplýsingamar em ekki fýllilega sambærilegar milli ára. Note: Thefigures are not strictly comparable betweenyears due to different survey methods,
age of samples and wording of questions.
1 Þ.e. plötuspilari. I.e. recordplayer.
Heimildir: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands (Neyslukannanir) og Hagstofa Islands (Neyslukannanir). Sources: Social Science Research Institute at the
University of lceland (Consumption Surveys) and Statistics Iceland (Househo/d Budget Surveys).
Tafla 9.16. Hlustun á hljóðrit og kaup á geisladiskum 1991-1998. Hlutfall svarenda, %
Table 9.16. Phonogram listening and purchase of CDs 1991-1998. Percentage of respondents
Hlusta á hljóðrit Listen to CDs, records and cassettes Kaupa geisladiska Buy CDs Meðalfjöldi keyptra diska sl. 12 mán. Average number of CDs bought in last 12 months
1991 53,0
1994 62,7 54,6 3,9
1995 69,5 59,7 4,4
1996 76,5 66,0 4,2
1997 88,3 72,3 5,2
1998 87,5 77,5
Skýringar: Upplýsingamar eru ekki fyllilega sambærilegar milli ára. Notes: Thefiguresarenotstrictly comparablebetweenyearsduetodifferentsurveymethods,
age of samples and wording of questions.
1 Kaupa hljómplötur og geisladiska. Buy records and CDs.
Heimildir: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands (Neyslukannanir) ogNordisk statistisk skriftserie, 1993: 62 (Kulturvanor i Norden). Sources: Social Science
Research Institute at the University oflceland (Consumption Surveys) and Statistical Reports ofthe Nordic Countries, 1993: 62 (Culture Activities in the Nordic