Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Blaðsíða 228
Tafla 18.14. Leikhúsgestir eftir uppruna höfunda 1985-1998
Table 18.14. Theatre spectators by origin of authors 1985-1998
Alls íslenskir höfundar Erlendir höfundar íslenskir og erlendir höfundar Icelandic
Tolal Icelandic authors Foreign authors and foreign authors
1985/86 168.605 49.451 117.754 1.400
1986/87 162.089 75.151 84.642 2.296
1987/88 167.431 69.776 97.455 200
1988/89 134.785 72.937 61.085 763
1989/90 128.959 60.199 59.223 9.537
1990/91 193.935 55.172 138.676 87
1991/92 207.468 60.638 146.830 _
1992/93 201.561 30.748 170.813 _
1993/94 162.229 49.852 110.319 2058
1994/95 186.780 56.418 129.857 505
1995/96 233.555 84.276 149.279 _
1996/97 224.178 96.731 126.955 492
1997/98 265.271 72.249 183.122 9.900
Hlutfallsleg skipting, %
Percent distribution
1985/86 100,0 29,3 69,8 0,8
1986/87 100,0 46,4 52,2 1,4
1987/88 100,0 41,7 58,2 0,1
1988/89 100,0 54,1 45,3 0,6
1989/90 100,0 46,7 45,9 7,4
1990/91 100,0 28,4 71,5 0,0
1991/92 100,0 29,2 70,8 _
1992/93 100,0 15,3 84,7 _
1993/94 100,0 30,7 68,0 1,3
1994/95 100,0 30,2 69,5 0,3
1995/96 100,0 36,1 63,9 _
1996/97 100,0 43,1 56,6 0,2
1997/98 100,0 27,2 69,0 3,7
Skýringar: Ásamt samstarfsverkefnum og gestaleikjum en ffátöldum gestum að sýningum erlendis. Notes: Includingworks staged in cooperation with others and
guest performances. Spectators of performances abroad are excluded.
Heimild: Hagstofa íslands (upplýsingar leikhúsanna). Source: Statistics Iceland (information from the theatres).