Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Blaðsíða 62
Tafla 6.10. Rekstrargjöld almenningsbókasafna 1992-1996. Þús. kr.
Table 6.10. Operating expenses of public libraries 1992-1996. Thous. ISK
Rekstrargjöld alls Operating expenses, total Aðföng Acquisitions Tölvubúnaður Computers Laun og launatengd gjöld Salaries Önnur 1 Other 1
1992 419.615 100.199 1.513 213.975 103.928
1993 453.653 108.011 5.014 224.620 116.008
1994 451.422 116.968 6.300 223.002 105.152
1995 512.934 107.552 4.609 229.943 170.830
1996 542.309 107.241 7.609 258.626 168.833
Skýring: Ásamt stofnanabókasöfhum. Note: Including libraries in hospitals, etderly-care imtitutions, prisons, etc.
1 S.s. kostnaður við rekstur húsnæðis, nýbyggingar, tryggingar o.s.frv. E.g. expenditure attributed to operation and maintenance of buildings, insurance etc.
Heimild: Bókafulltrúi ríkisins (Ársskýrsla almenningsbókasafna). Source: Directorate ofSchool and Public Libraries (Annual Report).
Tafla 6.11. Notkun almenningsbókasafna 1991-1998. Hlutfall svarenda, %
Table 6.11. Use of public libraries 1991-1998. Percentage of respondents
Tvisvar til Sex til tólf Nokkrum
Vikulega eða oftar þrisvar í mánuði sinnum á ári sinnum á ári
Weekly or more Twice to three Six to twelve Several times Sjaldnar Aldrei
often times a month times a year ayear More seldom Never
1991 29,0 12,0 8,0 51,0
1994 3,8 7,1 11,3 11,5 16,1 50,2
1995 4,0 8,1 10,1 13,3 17,3 47,2
1996 4,3 7,7 12,1 15,5 26,3 34,0
1997 4,9 7,9 11,3 15,2 25,8 35,0
1998 3,7 8,1 13,3 16,9 29,2 28,7
Skýring: Upplýsingar fyrir 1991 eru ekki fyllilega sambærilegar við upplýsingar fyrir 1994-1998. Aldur í úrtaki 1991 var 16-90 ára, annars 14-80 ára. Note:
Thefigures for 1991 are not strictly comparable to the figures for 1994-1998 due to different survey methods and wording of questions. Age of the 1991 sample
was 16-90 years, but 14-80years for 1994-1998.
Heimildir: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands (Neyslukannanir) ogNordisk statistisk skriftserie, 62 (Kulturvanor i Norden). Sources: Social Science Research
Institute at the University of Iceland (Consumption Surveys) and Statistical Reports of the Nordic Countries, 62 (Culture Activities in the Nordic Countries).