Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Blaðsíða 205
Tafla 16.2. Rekstur Pósts og síma 1985-1997
Table 16.2. Post and telecommunications revenue and expenses 1985-1997
Tölur í árslok 1985 1986 1990 1991 1992 End-of-year data
Starfsmenn Pósts og síma 2.160 2.165 2.333 2.396 2.433 Post and Telegraph personnel
Starfsmenn, ársverkaijöldi 1.980 1.996 2.131 2.188 2.210 Personnel in man-years
Rekstrartekjur alls, millj. kr. 2.097,2 2.725,2 5.591,1 5.981,5 6.615,7 Totat receipts, million ISK
Símatekjur 1.617,6 2.006,7 5.591,1 5.981,5 6.615,7 Telephone and telegraph receipts
Stofngjöld og afnotagiöld 372,2 431,8 1.101,2 1.215,8 1.366,6 Installations and subscriptions
Tekjur af farsíma og Receipts from mobile-telephone
gagnaflutningi and data services
Aðrar símatekjur 1.245,4 1.574,9 4.489,9 4.765,7 5.249,1 Other telephone receipts
Pósttekjur 434,6 644,3 1.645,6 1.932,4 2.261,1 Post receipts
Aðrar tekjur 44,9 74,2 Other receipts
Gjöld alls, millj. kr. 2.035,3 2.712,8 6.690,1 7.629,1 7.629,2 Total expenditure, million ISK
Tölur í árslok 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 End-of-year data
Starfsmenn Pósts og síma 2.425 2.394 2.418 2.361 2.329 Post and Telegraph personnel
Starfsmenn, ársverkaíjöldi 2.211 2.230 2.244 2.258 2.235 Personnel in man-years
Rckstrartekjur alls, millj. kr. 6.943,9 7.510,3 8.573,7 13.089,8 14.131,9 Total receipts, million ISK
Símatekjur 6.943,9 7.510,3 8.573,7 10.352,6 10.783,4 Telephone and telegraph receipts
Stofngiöld og afnotagiöld 1.512,0 1.621,6 1.779,9 2.012,5 2.361,8 Installations and subscriptions
Tekjur af farsíma og 853,2 1.088,4 1.520,0 1.928,0 Receipts from mobile-telephone
gagnaflutningi and data services
Aðrar símatekjur 5.431,9 5.035,5 5.705,4 6.820,1 6.493,6 Other telephone receipts
Pósttekjur 2.397,4 2.485,0 2.568,1 2.737,2 3.348,5 Post receipts
Aðrar tekjur - Other receipts
Gjöld alls, millj. kr. 7.820,5 8.556,3 10.093,6 11.128,8 11.154,9 Total expenditure, million ISK
Heimildir: Hagstofa íslands (Landshagir) og Póstur og sími. Sources: Statistics Iceland (Statistical Yearbook of Iceland) and Post and Telecommunication
Tafla 16.3. Sími á heimilum 1988-1998. Hlutfall svarenda, %
Table 16.3. Telephone in the home 1988—1998. Percentage of respondents
Sími á heimili Telephone in home Þar af eftir tegund Thereof by kind of telephone
Tónvalssími DMFT telephone Þráðlaus sími Cordless telephone GSM farsímar GSM telephone NMT farsími NMT telephone
1988 98,4
1994 99,5 57,4 20,7 14,7
1995 98,9 62,2 25,3 3,1
1996 99,4 61,8 28,5 14,4 9,4
1997 99,4 68,5 31,8 25,2 12,1
1998 92,2 98,3 39,7 15,6
Skýring: Upplýsingamar em ekki fyllilega sambærilegar milli ára. Note: Thefigures are not strictly comparable betweenyears due to different survey methods,
age of samples and wording of questions.
Heimildir: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands (Neyslukannanir), Hagstofa íslands (Neyslukönnun 1995) og Nordisk statistisk skriftserie, 1993: 62
(Kulturvanor i Norden). Sources: Social Science Research Institute at the University oflceland (Consumption Surveys), Statistics Iceland (Household Budget
Survey 1995) and Statistical Reports of the Nordic Countries, 1993: 62 (Culture Activities in the Nordic Countries).