Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Blaðsíða 287
Fjölþjóðlegur samanburður
Tafla 25.17. Áhorf á opinberar sjónvarpsstöðvar 1990-1997. Hlutfall af heildartíma, %
Table 25.17. Market share of domestic public-television 1990-1997. Percentage of total viewing time
Stöðvar Channels 1990 1994 1995 1996 1997
Austurríki ORF 1,2 77 62 62 62 62 Austria
Belgía (flæmskumælandi) BRTN 1,2 28 29 23 25 28 Belgium (Flemish speaking)
Belgía (frönskumælandi) RTBF1,21 26 18 23 23 24 Belgium (French speaking)
Bretland BBC 1, 2 48 43 44 44 43 UK
Danmörk DR/TV2 92 71 70 68 67 Denmark
Finnland YLE 1, 2 56 43 47 48 48 Finland
Frakkland France 2, 3, La Cinquime/Arte 34 39 41 46 45 France
Grikkland ET 1,2 28 10 8 8 8 Greece
Flolland NOS 1,2, 3 56 44 39 36 36 Netherlands
Irland RTE 1,2, TNAG 68 57 55 54 54 Ireland
ísland RÚV 612 52 49 47 50 Iceland
Ítalía RAI 1,2,3 51 47 48 49 49 Italy
Noregur NRK 83 48 43 43 43 Nonvay
Portúgal RTP 1,2 100' 57 47 40 36 Portugal
Spánn Sviss TVE 1, LA 2 74 53 38 37 34 Spain Switzerland
(frönskumælandi) Sviss TSI, TSR 1,2, SF 1 36 31 35 35 35 (French speaking) Switzerland
(ítölskumælandi) Sviss TSI, TSR 1, 2, SF 1 33 21 31 32 33 (Italian speaking) Switzerland
(þýskumælandi) SF 1,2 37 30 28 33 32 (German speaking)
Svíþjóð SVT 1,2 83 54 54 50 49 Sweden
Þýskaland ARD, ARD III, ZDF 68 42 39 41 41 Germany
Búlgaría BNT 1, EFIR 2 91 92 90 75 Bulgaria
Eistland ETV 75 31 27 26 24 Estonia
Lettland LTV 1, 2 30 27 28 26 Latvia
Litháen LTV 36 30 26 21 Lithuania
Pólland TVP 1,2, TVP Pol. 82 76 68 54 Poland
Rúmenía TVR1,2 79 63 43 Romania
Rússland ORT, RTR 74 73 70 66 Russia
Slóvakía STV 1,2 793 78 63 28 Slovakian Republic
Slóvenía SLO 1,2 63 47 Slovenia
Tékkland CT 1,2 90 46 26 27 34 Czech Republic
Ungverjaland MTV 1, 2, DUNA TV 823 82 77 75 Hungary
Bandaríkin PBS Network 4 3 3 3 USA
Japan NFIK General TV 32 26 Japan
Skýring: Upplýsingamar eru ekki fýllilega sambærilegar milli landa. Notes: The figures are not wholly comparable between countries due to different survey
1 Einkaréttur. Monopoly.
2 Tala á við 1991. Figure refers to 1991.
3 Tala á við 1993. Figure refers to 1993.
Heimildir: Baltic Media Facts (Baltic Media Book 1996), European Audiovisual Observatory (Statistical Yearbook 1998), Hans-Bredow-Institut flir Rundfunk
und Femshehen/European Audiovisual Observatory (Radio and Television Systems in Europe, 1998), IP (Television 1997 og 1998: European Key Facts), Screen
Digest og Statistikcentralen Finland (Joukkoviestintátilasto 1995 og Joukkoviestimet 1998). Sources: Baltic Media Facts (Baltic Media Book 1996), European
Audiovisual Observatory (Statistical Yearbook 1998), Hans-Bredow-lnstitut fiir Rundfunk und Fernshehen/European Audiovisual Observatory (Radio and
Television Systems in Europe, 1998), IP (Television 1997 and 1998: European Key Facts), Screen Digest andStatistics Finland (Finnish Mass Media 1995 and