Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Blaðsíða 213
Tafla 18.1. Starfandi leikhús og leikhópar 1975-1998
Table 18.1. Theatres and theatre groups 1975-1998
Alls Total Leikhús Theatres Atvinnuleikhópar 1 Professional theatre groups 1 Áhugaleikfélög Amateur theatre groups
1975/76 47 3 442
1979/80 51 4 472
1985/86 51 6 5 40
1990/91 60 4 7 49
1994/95 76 4 21 51
1995/96 67 7 16 44
1996/97 75 7 16 52
1997/98 69 8 18 43
1 Upplýsingar 1985/86-1997/98 eiga við almanaksárið, 1985 o. frv. Figures for 1985/86-1997/98 refer to the calendaryear 1985 etc.
2 Áætlaðar tölur. Estimatedfigures.
Heimildir: Árbók Reykjavíkur, Bandalag íslenskra leikfélaga, Bandalag sjálfstæðra atvinnuleikhúsa - BAAL og Hagstofa íslands (Hagtíðindi og upplýsingar
leikhúsanna). Sources: Statistical Yearbook of Reykjavík, Statistics Iceland (Monthly Statistics and information from the theatres), Association of Amateur
Theatres in Iceland and Association of Independent Professional Theatre Groups.
Tafla 18.2. Sýningar leikhúsa og leikhópa 1965-1998
Table 18.2. Performances of theatres and theatre groups 1965-1998
Alls Total Leikhús Theatres Atvinnuleikhópar 1 Professional theatre groups 1 Áhugaleikfélög Amateur theatre groups
1965/66 830 580 2502
1970/71 844 503 3412
1975/76 1.083 625 45 82
1979/80 1.398 777 6212
1985/86 645
1990/91 798
1994/95 758 568
1995/96 871 534
1996/97 1.125 598
1997/98 1.143 491
Á 1.000 íbúa
Per 1,000 inh.
1965/66 4,3 3,0 1,3?
1970/71 4,2 2,5 1,72
1975/76 5,0 2,9 2,12
1979/80 6,1 3,4 2,72
1985/86 2,7
1990/91 3,1
1994/95 2,8 2,1
1995/96 3,3 2,0
1996/97 4,2 2,2
1997/98 4,2 1,8
1 Upplýsingar 1985/86-1997/98 eiga við almanaksárið, 1985 o. frv. Figures for 1985/86-1997/98 refer to the calendaryear 1985 etc.
2 Áætlaðar tölur. Estimatedfigures.
Heimildir: Árbók Reykjavíkur, Bandalag íslenskra leikfélaga, Bandalag sjálfstæðra atvinnuleikhúsa - BAAL og Hagstofa íslands (Hagtíðindi og upplýsingar
leikhúsanna). Sources: Statistical Yearbook of Reykjavík, Statistics Iceland (Monthly Statistics and information from the theatres), Association of Amateur
Theatres in Iceland and Association of Independent Professional Theatre Groups.