Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Blaðsíða 191
Tafla 13.27. Table 13.27. Útbreiðsla sjónvarps og fylgihluta á heimilum 1985-1998. Hlutfall svarenda, % Penetration of television, teletext, cable TV and satelhte dishes in homes 1985-1998. Percentage of respondents
Sjónvarp TV Textavarp Teletext Kapalsjónvarp CableTV' Gervihnattadiskur Dish antennas
Alls Total Eitt tæki One set Tvö eða fleiri tæki Two or more sets
1985/86 95,5
1988 98,7 84,8 13,9
1990 99,1
1991 4,0
1993 23,2
1994 98,0 25,6 4,2
1995 97,0 35,0 5,0 4,4
1996 97,0 43,5 17,0 5,1
1997 97,6 50,8 46,8 56,1 21,0 5,5
1998 97,6 50,1 47,5 67,4 28,0 3,3
Skýring: Upplýsingamar em ekki fyllilega sambærilegar milli ára. Note: Thefigures are not strictly comparable betweenyears due to different survey methods,
age of samples and wording of questions.
1 Þ.e. hlutfail heimila sem sjónvarpskapall hefur verið lagður í. Áætlaðar tölur. I.e. householdspassed, not necessarily connected. Estimatedfigures.
Heimildir: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands (Neyslukannanir), Hagstofa íslands (Neyslukannanir), Hagstofa Íslands/Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands
(Lífskjarakönnun 1988), Landssíminn (óútgefnar upplýsingar), og Nordisk statistisk skriftserie, 1993: 62 (Kulturvanor i Norden). Sources: Social Science
Research Institute at the University of Iceland (Consumer Surveys), Statistics Iceland (Household Budget Surveys), Statistics lceland/Social Science Research
Institute at the University oflceland (Living Conditions Survey 1988), Telecom Iceland (unpub/ished information) andStatisticalReports of the Nordic Countries,
1993: 62 (Culture Activities in the Nordic Countries).
Tafla 13.28. Útbreiðsla sjónvarpsstöðva 1987-1998. Hlutfall svarenda, %
Table 13.28. Penetration of general-interest TV channels 1987-1998. Percentage of respondents
Ríkisútvarpið -
Sjónvarp Icelandic
Könnunartími National Broadcast- Stöð 2 1 Stöð 3 1
Time of survey ing Service-TV Channel 2 1 Sýn1 Channel 3 1
1987 Október October 33
1991 Febrúar February 59
1993 Apríl April 97 53
1994 Mars March 97 51
1995 “ 99 55
1996 “ 98 57 11
1997 “ 98 51 18
1998 “ 98 54 18
Skýringar: Upplýsingamar em ekki íyllilega sambærilegar milli ára. Hlutfall þeirra sem hefur aðgang að ofangreindum stöðvum. Notes: Figures are notstrictly
comparable between years due to different survey methods and wording of questions. Percentage of those who have access to the concerned TV channe/s
1 Áskrifendur. Subscribers.
Heimildir: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands (Fjölmiðlakannanir og Könnun á notkun gervihnattasjónvarps, 1991). Sources: Social Science Research
Institute at the University oflceland (Media Surveys and Satellite Television Use 1991: A Survey).