Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Blaðsíða 139
Tafla 10.33. Tíu mest sóttu kvikmyndirnar 1995-1998
Table 10.33. The ten mostpopular fúms 1995-1998
Titill Title Dreifing Distribution Framleiðandaland Country of origin Efnisflokkur Genre Frumsýningarár Year of release Aðsókn Admissions
1 Titanic Skífan Islenska kvikmynda- Bandaríkin US Drama Drama 1998 124.008
2 Djöflaeyjan samsteypan Island lceland Gamanmynd Comedy 1996 70.302
3 Forrest Gump Háskólabíó Bandaríkin US Drama Drama 1994 68.000
4 Independence Day,ID 4 Skífan “ Drama Drama 1996 66.841
5 Mr. Bean Háskólabíó Bretland UK Gamanmynd Comedy 1997 60.100
6 The Lion King Samfilm Bandaríkin US Barnamynd Children 's 1995 57.111
7 Dumb and Dumber Myndform “ Gamanmynd Comedy “ 51.500
8 Liar, Liar “ “ “ 1997 51.025
9 Goldeneye Samfilm/Háskólabíó Bretland UK Drama Drama 1996 50.041
10 As Good as it Gets Stjömubíó Bandaríkin US “ 1998 47.795
Heimildir: Coopers & Lybrand - Hagvangur, PricewaterhouseCoopers ogKvikmyndaskoðun. Sources: Coopers&Lybrand-Hagvangur, PricewaterhouseCoopers
and Icelandic Board of Film Classification.
Tafla 10.34. Gestir kvikmyndahúsa 1988-1998. Hlutfall svarenda, %
Taole 10.34. Cinema visitors 1988—1998. Percentage of respondents
Sækja Vikulega Tvisvar til Sex til tólf Nokkrum
kvikmyndahús eða oftar þrisvar í mán. sinnum á ári sinnum á ári
Go to cinema Weekly or Twice to three Six to twelve Several Sjaldnar Aldrei
more often times a month times a year times a year More seldom Never
1988 6,8 6.1 12,8 20,8 14,8 38,7
1991 25,0 14,0 16,0 45,0
1994 2,4 12,9 15,5 19,3 19,0 30,9
1995 2,1 11,7 15,3 20,3 22,4 28,2
1996 2,0 11,3 13,3 24,7 23,7 24,9
1997 2,0 10,7 16,2 19,3 27,4 24,4
1998 2,9 9,0 17,5 22,4 30,8 17,3
Skýring: Upplýsingar fyrir 1988 og 1991 eru ekki fyllilega sambærilegar við upplýsingar fyrir 1994-1998. Note: Thefiguresfor 1988 and 1991 are notstrictly
comparable to the figures for 1994-1998 due to different age of samples and wording of questions.
Heimildir: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands (Neyslukannanir), Hagstofa Íslands/Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands (Lífskjarakönnun 1988) og Nordisk
statistisk skriftserie, 1993: 62 (Kulturvanor i Norden). Sources: SocialScience Research Institute at the University oflceland (Consumption Surveys), Statistics
Iceland/Social Science Research Institute at the University oflceland (Living Conditions Survey 1988) and Statistical Reports of the Nordic Countries, 1993:
62 (Culture Activities in the Nordic Countries).