Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Blaðsíða 152
Tafla 11.21. Leigjendur myndbanda 1994-1998. Hlutfall svarenda, %
Table 11.21. Rental of video cassettes 1994-1998. Percentage of respondents
Leigja myndband Rent a video Vikulega eða oftar Weekly or Tvisvar til þrisvar í mán. Twice to three Sex til tólf sinnum á ári Six to twelve Nokkrum sinnum á ári Several times Sjaldnar Aldrei
more times a month times a year ayear More seldom Never
1994 7,1 14,8 15,1 15,3 14,0 33,7
1995 7,3 19,0 13,0 15,6 12,3 32,7
1996 5,6 19,4 13,9 20,0 14,7 26,4
1997 9,8 19,3 12,0 16,4 16,3 26,1
1998 9,3 20,6 17,8 13,6 16,8 22,0
Heimild: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands (Neyslukannanir). Source: SocialScience Research lnstitute at the University oflceland (Consumption Surveys).
Tafla 11.22. Myndbandstækja- og myndbandsupptökuvélaeign 1985-1998. Hiutfall svarenda, %
Table 11.22. Penetration ofVCRs and camcorders 1985-1998. Percentage of respondents
1985/1986 1988 1990 1991 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Myndbandstæki á heimili VCRinhome 34,1 57,4 67,5 71,0 75,0 79,3 81,4 79,4 81,9
Fleiri en eitt myndbandstæki á heimili Homes with more than one VCR 5,5 8,2 9,1 11,0 13,0 15,6
Myndbandsupptökuvél á heimili Camcorder in home 18,6 22,1 20,1 24,8 23,6
Skýring: Upplýsingarnar eru ekki fyllilega sambærilegar milli ára. Note: The figures are not strictly comparable betweenyears due to different age of samples,
survey methods and wording of questions.
Heimildir: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands (Neyslukannanir), Hagstofa íslands (Neyslukannanir), Nordisk statistisk skriftserie, 1990: 54 (Leva i Norden),
Nordisk statistisk skriftserie, 1993: 62 (Kulturvanor i Norden) og Screen Digest. Sources: Social Science Research Institute at the University of Iceland
(Consumer Surveys), Statistics Iceland (Household Budget Surveys), Statistical Reports of the Nordic Countries, 1991: 55 (Social Report for the Nordic
Countries), Statistical Reports of the Nordic Countries, 1993: 62 (Culture Activities in the Nordic Countries) and Screen Digest.
Tafla 11.23. Innflutningur myndbandstækja og myndbanda 1990-1997. Magn
Table 11.23. Imports ofVCRs, camcorders and video cassettes 1990-1997. Volume
Tollskrárnúmer HS-number Magneining Unit of volume 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Myndbandstæki alls 1 VCRs, total' 8521.1021/ 8521.1029 stk. pieces 4.821 1.842 2.830 3.385 5.329 6.561 9.015 9.524
Myndbandsupptökuvélar Camcorders 8521.9029 stk. pieces 8 117 39 636 709 1.406 345 389
8523.1102 Óátekin myndbönd alls 8523.1202/ Blankvideo cassettes, total 8523.1302 tonn tonnes 65,5 86,1 82,7 72,7 89,2 96,1 82,0 96,3
Að frátöldum myndbandstækjum fyrir sjónvarpsstarfsemi. Excluding VCRs intendedfor the television industry.
Heimild: Hagstofa íslands (Utanríkisverslun eftir tollskrámúmerum). Source: Statistics lceland (External Trade by HS-numbers).