Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Blaðsíða 27

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Blaðsíða 27
SOURCES OF VARIATION IN WEIGHTS OF LAMBS 25 type of birth and rearing x sex groups are shown in table 11. After correction one will have similar means and standard deviations in the sub- groups. The additive constants for type af birth and rearing are shown to give more similar standard deviations in the subgroups than the multiplicative one and it is there- fore concluded that the additive correction gives the best correction for the effect of type of birth and rearing. The greatest varia- tion is found in the 2X1 group of lambs but these lambs will naturally have the greatest variation because it is not known when the partner is lost. There was found to be some variation in the sex difference between districts. The sex difference was shown to be greater in districts with polled sheep than in districts with horned sheep. GENETIC PARAMETERS HERITABILITY The heritability was estimated by half-sib correlation. The variance components were estimated from a hierarchial analysis of variance as follows: The material was restricted to sire groups with 10 or more progeny within each flock. Then one has eliminated most of the cross classification in the data. It is not common that rams have progeny in more than one flock except for rams used in artificial inse- mination but they have very few progeny in any one floclc. A total of 42888 lambs were included in the analysis for all three traits. Sampling error of the heritability was esti- matmated with the formula by Dickerson (1959) modified by Becker (1967). The heritability estimates are given in table 12. There are only a few older estimates of heritability of these traits in Icelandic sheep. Hallgrímsson (1971) estimated her- iability for weaning weight 0.44 for singles and 0.18 for twins and for the same trait JÓNMUNDSSON (1971) found 0.29 for ewe lambs and 0.19 for ram lambs. Thorsteins- son and Björnsson (1971) have estimated heritability of carcass weight of twin ram lambs as 0.30. Many estimates of heritability of weaning weight of lambs are found in the literature and they show very wide varia- tion (Bowman 1966). In Norway Eikje (1974a) has estimated it 0.14 on a huge Sources of variation E (MS) Between flocks ae + ^Gd + k50I + ksab Between sires within flock 2 2 2 a + k2o, + k3o e d s Between dams within siré 2 2 o + kjo, e d 2 O e Within dams
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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