Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Blaðsíða 39
Table 7 . Analysis of variance. The weight of the ewes in October and January.
Source of variation Body weight in October Body weight in January
D.F. M.S. M.S.
Total 18469 29,18 27,40
Age of ewe 7 7481,S25® 7428,02^
Residual 18462 26,36 24,59
R2 0,0972 0,1027
mating on the number of lambs but in their
material there was a much greater variation
in the duration of the mating season.
T.abie 8 . Constants for the effect of age of ewe on body weight in
October and January.
Age Number Body weight in October Body weight in January
i| 2904 -3,79 + 0,086 -3,64 + 0,093
2 5 3017 -1,30 + 0,093 -1,43 + 0,089
qI 2912 0,59 + 0,094 0,67 + 0,090
ui H2 2803 1,03 + 0,095 1,08 + 0,091
5i 2589 1,26 + 0,098 1,40 + 0,094
6| 2078 1,25 + 0,107 1,22 + 0,103
1369 0,65 + 0,128 0,63 + 0,124
r-i|(N co 1019 0,30 + 0,148 0,08 + 0,143