Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 2015, Blaðsíða 182
Kaplan, Wendy og Elizabeth Cumming. 1991. The Arts & Crafts Movement.
Thames & Hudson, London.
MacCarthy, Fiona. 1994. William Morris. A Life for Our Time. Faber and Faber,
Naylor, Gillian. 1971. The Arts and Crafts Movement. A Study of its Sources, Ideals
and Inf luence on Design Theory. Studio Vista, London.
Nordiska museet under 125 år. 1998. Ritstj. Hans Medelius, Bengt Nyström og
Elisabet Stavenov-Hidemark. Nordiska museets förlag, Stockholm.
Rasmussen, Holger. 1966. „The Origin and Development of the Danish Folk
Museum.“ Dansk Folkemuseum & Frilandsmuseet. History & Activities. Ritstj.
Holger Rasmussen, bls. 7‒36. Nationalmuseet, København.
Shepley, Emma. 2000. „The Haslemere Context.“ The Lost Arts of Europe. The
Haslemere Museum collection of European Peasant Art. Ritstj. David Crowley og
Lou Taylor, bls. 3‒12. Haslemere Educational Museum, Haslemere.
The Lost Arts of Europe. The Haslemere Museum collection of European Peasant Art.
2000. Ritstj. David Crowley og Lou Taylor, formála ritar Diana Hawkes.
Haslemere Educational Museum, Haslemere.
Tölvupóstur dags. 19. maí 2006 frá Robert Neller, Collections Assistant,
Haslemere Museum Collections til Áslaugar Sverrisdóttur.
Tölvupóstur dags. 11. mars 2015 frá Kate Braun, Collections Manager &
Volunteer Coordinator, Haslemere Museum Collections til Áslaugar
Yfir hafið og heim. Íslenskir munir frá Svíþjóð. 2008. Ritstj. Margrét Hallgrímsdóttir
og Lilja Árnadóttir. Þjóðminjasafn Íslands, Reykjavík.