Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 02.12.1980, Page 76

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 02.12.1980, Page 76
HEIMILDASKRÁ 1. Barber, J.H. Computer assisted recording in general practice. J. Roy. Coll Gen. Practit., 1971, 21, 726-736 2. Barnett, G. Octo. Computer Stored Ambulatory Record (COSTAR). Harvard Community Health Plan, Massachussets General Hospital, 1976, DHEVJ PUB. No(HRA) 76-3145 3. Benedikt GísXason. Kaupfélag Héraðsbúa 50 ára, Bókaútgáfan Norðri, 1959 4. Benjamin Bernard (Ed.). Medical Records. William Heinemann Medical books Ltd., London 1977, pp. 110-111 5. Berfenstam, R., Berg, B., Smedby, B. Sjukvárdskonsumtion i Tierpsomrádet april-mai 1973. En personbaserad studie av olika slag av sjukvárdskontakter i en definierad befolkning. SPRI-Rapport 4/76, Stockholm 1976 6. Berfenstam, R., Smedby, B. Utveckling av insamlingsrutiner för uppgifter om lákarbesök i öppen várd. Stencil.Soc.med.Inst.Akademiska sjukhuset, Uppsala Tierpsprojektet, Rapport 1975-03-20 7. Braunstein, M. The Computer in a Family Practice center. A public utility for Patient care teaching and research. In: Laudet, M., Anderson, J., and Begon, F., ed. Medical Data Processing. Proceedings of the International symposium on Medical Informatics held in Toulouse 2-5 march 1976. Taylor and Francis Ltd., London 1976, pp. 761-768 8. Björn Önundarson. Drög að könnun á störfum 9 heimilislækna í Reykjavík. Læknablaðið 1974, 60.(3-4), 57-72 9. Coté, R.A. The SNOP-SNOMED Concept. Evolution towards a common medical nomenclature and classification. Pathologist, College of American Pathologists July 1977, 383-394 10. Eimerl, T.S. The E book System for Record-Keeping in General practice. Med.Care, 1973,11(2), Supplement, 138-144 11. Farley, E.S., Boisseau, V., Froom, J. An Integrated Medical record and Data System for Primary Care. Part 5: Implications of filing family folders by area of residence. J.Fam.Pract. 1977, 5(3), 427-432 12. Grace, N.T., Neal, E.N., Wellock C.E., et.al. The Family Oriented Medical Record J.Fam.Pract. 1977, 4, 93-97 13. Gruer, K.T., Heasman, M.A. Livingston New Town-Use of Computer in General Practice Medical Recording. Br.Med.J., 1970, 2, 289-291 14. Grummitt, A. Real Time Record Management in General Practice. Int.J. Biomed.Comupt., 1977, 8(2), 131-150 15. Guðjón Magnússon, Ólafur Sveinsson. Könnun á heilbrigðisþjónustu í Skagafirði. Læknablaðið, 1976, 62(10-12), 167-179 16. Guðmundur Sigurðsson. Sjúkraskrár sem snúast um vandamál sjúklinganna. Læknaneminn, 1974, 27(4), 25-28 74



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