Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1957, Síða 89

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1957, Síða 89
Yvirlit yvir innskotin grótsløg í Føroyum 95 SUMMARY The present paper deals with intrusive rocks (Basalts) of the Faroe Islands. The Plateau*Basalt sequence is briefly mentioned: 1. Lower Basalt Sequence, 2. Coabbearing Sequence, 3. Tuff=AggIomerate Se« quence, 4. Upper Basalt Sequence, 5. Intrusive Rocks. Next the different types of intrusives are treated: 1. Irregular intrusive Basalts, 2. Sills (transgressive), and 3. Dikes. Irregular intrusive Basalts from Suðuroy, Tindhólmur and Vágar are described. The following sills are dealt with: 1 from Fugloy, 1 from Svínoy, 3 from Streymoy and 2 from Eysturoy. Dikes are only briefly mentioned. Finally the diffe* rent intrusive types are placed in the stratigraphic sequence, and it is concluded that all three types of intrusives are most likely related — belong to the same intrusive phase — and are younger than the whole PlateausBasalt sequence. BÓKMENTIR 1. Allan, Thomas: An Account of the Mineralogy of the Faroe Islands. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. VII p. 229—267. 1914. 2. Born v.: Om BasalbBierge paa Færøerne. Skr. af Nat. Hist. Selsk. II p. 198-204. København 1792. 3. Born v.: Om BasaltsBierge paa Færøerne. Skr. af Nat. Hist. Selsk. IV p. 20—37. København 1797. 4. Bøggild, O. B.: Geologiske Forhold. Danmark Land og Folk. Fær» øerne. København 1922. 5. Boggild, O. B.: Oversigt over Danmarks Geologi. Færøerne. Danm. Geol. Unders. V. Rk. Nr. 4. København 1928. 6. Forchhammer, J. G.: Om Færøernes geognostiske Beskaffenhed. Vid. Selsk. Skr. København 1824. 7. Forchhammer, J. G.: Rejse til Færøerne. Dagbog 1821. Køben* havn 1927. 8. Geikie, Archibald: The Tertiary Basalt>plateaux of Northwestern Europe. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 52 p. 331—406. 1896. 9. Giekie, James: On the Geology of the Færøe Islands. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. XXX p. 217-269. 1880. 10. Helland, Amund: Om Færøernes Geologi. Geografisk Tidsskrift IV p. 149—179. København 1880.
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