Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Síða 37

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Síða 37
Earth Tides 45 in the case of homothetic deformations and, without this assumption: k/h < 0.4989 we can be satisfied with Oi value. Consequently, as a first approximation I should recommend to adopt k/h = 0.499 and check the values of h and k at each place from tidal gravity variations only which should indicate if there is any anomalous behaviour at the place concerned. Such a check is necessary because the known numerica! results concern presently only one part of Europe. As an exemple Scandinavia is giving quite different results for gravimeters but not for pendulums. 2. The Trans World Tidal Gravity Profile Several North American profiles have been completed by John T. Kuo covering United States and South East of Canada. They are tied with Bruxelles station (calibrations are in agreement within 0,5 °/o between Bruxelles and New York). Several European profiles are also completed by B. Du- carme and P. Melchior from South of France, Italy, Austria through Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Den- mark and England. New stations are planned in Spain, Portugal and Scandinavia. A separate profile has been made in Finland (T. Honkasalo). All the instruments have been calibrated at Bruxelles for amplitude and phase. To solve the different described problems, it is of primary importance that the different transcontinental profiles will be tied together. A first positive step has been completed by making a 6 months period of observation at Torshavn/Faroe. This should allow to tie Europe with North America as
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