Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Blaðsíða 41

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Blaðsíða 41
How old is the Faroese grannastevnaf 49 erences to the grannastevna from 1836 until the reguiar records begin in the spring of 1843. The grannastevna is not mentioned by Tarnovius (1669), Debes (1673) or Landt (1800). In Svabo’s Indberetninger the word appears only in his transcription of Sandóens Vedtægt. The word is not used in the text of any printed law known to me from before 1857, nor in any printed draft of a law from before 1844. The earliest written use of the word known to me, with certain exceptions I shall refer to later, dates from August 1836.4 The two most telling silences of all, in my opinion, are those of Svabo, who does not include the word in his dictionary, and that of landfúti J. A. Lunddahl, in Nogle bemærkninger om de færóske landboforhold. The latter work was written in 1843, but only printed, and then in an unrevised form, in 1851. Lunddahl often mentions the joint decisions that have to be taken in a Faroese village, but never once does the word grannastevna appear, and neither is there any apparent refe- rence to the meeting itself. Of the manuscript sources which fail to mention the grannastevna I will instance amtmand Lobner’s Instrux for Sysselmændene paa Færóerne, dated 1 April 1816, which refers to such land tenure legislation as the Forordning af 2. April 1698 om Faar og Qvæg, the Reskript af 19. August 1757 om Kending-Sóid and the Reskript af 11. Maj 1775 angaaende Rosse-Brug paa Færóe, but makes no reference whatever to the grannastevnaJ’ It is difficult to assert absolutely that regular grannastevnur were not being held before 1836, and indeed there are some — though very few — instances of the use of the word in a Faroese context in documents as early as 1708. It seems to me, however, that the use of the word is probably due to officials with experience of the Danish grannastevna. Consideration of these rare instances will illustrate the difference between these early meetings and the grannastevna as we know it after 1840. The first reference known to me is that in Sandóens Vedtægt already referred to, which must assuredly have arisen from the
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