Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Side 69

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Side 69
Sea Level Fluctuations in Tórshavn Preliminary Results Bogi Hansen. Introduction The fluctuations of sea level and currents at the Faroe Isiands make quite an interesting subject. The position of the Islands, far from the continents, close to a supposed amphidromy and in one of the key areas with respect to the overflow of cold bottom water from the Norwegian and Greenland seas into the Atlantic indicate the theoretical importance, while the very strong tidal currents on the Faroese plateau make obvious the practical importance. Fiowever to the authors knowledge very little has been published on the subject, the highlight being a paper by Adam Poulsen dating back to 1906. He analyzed the tide in Tórshavn and his results are reproduced in table I. The present study concerns itself with tide gauge measure- ments made in Tórshavn for the most part of 1973. As the work is still in progress, only preliminary results will be dis- cussed. These include a tabulation of Harmonic constants and some investigations into the influence of atmospheric pressure on the sea level. Data The sea level registrations analyzed in this paper cover the period: Jan 1973 0000 GMT to Oct 19th 1973 2345 GMT sampled at 15 minutes interval. The tide gauge was situated in the harbor of Tórshavn and was owned and supervised by the
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