Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Síða 78

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Síða 78
86 Sea Level Fluctuations in Tórshavn, Preliminary Results ments r,s,h,p,N,p’ involved in the motions of the Earth and Moon in their orbits. As the elements vary almost linearly in time the (almost) constant frequencies foi emerge, giving rise to the harmonic constituents of the tide. The harmonic con- stants Hj and g; (amplitude and Greenwich phase lag) must be determined empirically and separately for each place, while the f . may be calculated theoretically to a very high precision. The most significant constituents have been given symbols and the identification of the harmonics found in the tide of Tórshavn is in almost all cases quite straight-forward by com- paring observed frequencies to theoretical ones. Symbols and theoretical frequencies are listed in the last two columns of table III for those constituents identified. The phase constants of table III are relative to the time origin of the data series. Eor this origin one may, using the formulas cited in ref. 12, determine the values of the astronomic elements measured at Greenwich and from these evaluate the Greenwich Phase lags g; of formula (9). Furthermore the amplitudes and phase lags of constituents may be corrected for nodal modulation, that is for the interference of smaller, unanalysable, constituents lying close in frequency (ref. 11 and 12). Table IV lists amplitudes and Greenwich Phase lags for the identified constituents corrected for nodal modulation along with global characteristica. The last column of table IV lists the local time lags. The Equilibrium theory would require these lags to be zero. A thorough discussion on the lags and on the relative strength of the various constituents will be given in a separate paper, but some salient features may be touched upon here. When corrected for nodal modulation M2 is not the largest constituent, but rather 0( which is remarkable especially in view of the marked semidiurnal dominance in the currents. In a series of current measurements performed by the author in the summer of 1974 at a position only about 1 km distant from the tide gauge, a preliminary analysis of the current gave an amplitude for M2 nearly 12 times larger than that of 0t.
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