Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Síða 88

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Síða 88
96 Sea Level Fluctuations in Tórshavn, Preliminary Results cm/mb the regression analysis yielded a value of —0.73 cm/mb. A possible explanation for the discrepancy emerges from table V, which lists results of regression analysis performed for each month of 1973 separately. In ali but one of the cases the baro- meter factor is significantly different from the theoretical one at the 5 °/o level and this one case is for the month with the minimal standard deviation of pressure. There is a tendency for the discrepancy to grow with the pressure variation as fig. 10 demonstrates and this is interpreted as follows. With large variation in pressure — hence large st. dev. — a comparatively larger amoúnt of the variation may be too rapid for the sea level to be able to respond, resulting in a lower barometer factor than theoretical. A closer investigation into this hypothesis is in progress and will together with a more detailed description of the low frequency spectrum be presented elsewhere. Conclusions Although no actual comparison has been made with other methods, it has been demonstrated, that the Maximum Entropy Method is well suited to perform quantitative anlysis of the astronomic tides. The tabulation of harmonic constants permits prediction of the astronomic tide of Tórshavn quite accurately. The pro- minence of higher harmonics in the tide indicate strong non- linearities presumably due to frictional effects in the currents. The nonharmonic part of sea level fluctuation seems to be mostly due to air pressure variations, however the sea is not found to be able to respond to rapid pressure fluctuations. Acknowledgements Most of this work has been done while the author was recieving a grant from Nordisk Kollegium for Oceanografi and on the Institute of Physical Oceanography at the University of Copenhagen headed by Prof. Jerlov. The inspiration of Dr
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