Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Síða 109

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Síða 109
Glacial Erratics 117 become shallower outwards and that at least the northern one is probably filled with Quaternary sediments. Thus the troughs therefore were probably sculptured by glaciers. However, the relative abundance of local erratics on the continental slope does not seem to be higher off the northern trough than off the banks, and therefore this trough has probably not been eroded much during the last glacial epoch and may date back to an earlier glacial epoch or possible even to the Tertiary. Acknowledgements This work is part of a marine geological research program carried out by the Faroe Government in collaboration with the Geological Survey of Denmark. The work has been supported by grants from »Statens Natur- videnskabelige Forskningsraad« to the Geological Survey of Denmark (O. Berthelsen, director) and to R. Waagstein. The Fishery laboratory in Tórshavn has provided ship time and we also received support from the Mineralogical Museum of the University of Copenhagen. We thank F. Bertelsen for providing palynological datings of the sediments, and A. Noe-Nygaard, J. Bailey and N. Hald for suggesting many improvements to the manuscript. We also wish to thank the captain and crew of the »J. C. Svabo«, Kr. Meitil and all others who have assisted us during this work. ABSTRACT On the outer shelf and slope south-east of the Faeroe Islands down to 300 meters depth, 82 percent of the erratics consist of basalt and 14 percent of tuff carbonate sediments. At 400 to 700 meters depth these rock types only constitute 54 percent of the erratics, the rest being mainly sandstones and gneisses of distant origin. This sudden increase in the pro- portion of foreign erratics is probably caused by the front of the Faeroese ice sheet preventing ice-rafting over the shelf during the last glacial epoch.
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