Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 78

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 78
76 COPROPHILOUS FUNGI FROM THE FAROE ISLANDS Islands (2), and from rabbit from Tenerife, Spain (not boreal, but at an elevation of 1400 m on the northern slopes of Mt Teide), and B. bombardioides from moose (Alces alces) from Colorado, USA, and the Yukon, Cana- da. 46(H), 48(H)/04. Coniochaeta hansenii (Oudem.) Cain Va. A Coniochaeta with polyspored asci, but with very small discoid spores, 6.5-8.5 x 5- 7 x 4-5 pm (cf. C. polymegasperma below), which is also most frequently recorded from hare and rabbit dung. 48(H)/04. Coniochaeta leucoplaca (Sacc.) Cain Ku, Vi. 43, 45(H)/04, and Coniochaeta vagans (Carestia & de Not.) N. Lundq. Bo, St, Va, Vi. 31, 32(H), 42, 43, 46, 48- 50/04. There is some uncertainty about the iden- tification and nomenclature of some of the Faroese material of Coniochaeta. Doveri (2004) discusses in detail the difficulties he and others have had in identifying 8-spored Coniochaeta species with spores of varying morphology from distinctly discoid to almost ellipsoid, with the largest dimension in the range 9-16 pm. Doveri (2004), citing in de- tail correspondence from Lundqvist, accepts that the correct name for the coprophilous fungus with discoid or broadly ellipsoidal spores in face view, in the range 12-16 x 8- 16 pm, and 6-9 pm across the smallest axis, is C. vagans (syn. C. discospora (Auersw. ex Niessl)). The latter name has been con- sidered by some to be a synonym of C. lig- niaría (Grev.) Massee, a lignicolous species, the difference in substrate being considered to be unimportant in the light of the morpho- logical similarity of C. discospora (= C. va- gans) and C. ligniaria, with the latter nanie having priority. Lundqvist (in Doveri, 2004), however, considers that there are sufficient characters, particularly in the structure of the peridium, to distinguish the two. Quite a feW of the Faroese specimens (as listed above) were identified as C. vagans, although the spores were mostly at the lower end of the accepted range, and some approaching the upper end of the range for C. leucoplaca, which has smaller discoid spores, 7-9.5 x 6-8 x 4-6 pm. Indeed, in some cases the spore sizes overlapped the ranges given for the two species. The spores of the various samples of these collections were in the range 9.5-14.5 X 7-11.5 x 4.5-7.5 pm. Two other collections, listed above under C. leucoplaca, had spores which were much more ellipsoid, 9-11 x 5-8 x 4-6.5 (im. Coniochaeta polymegasperma M. J. Rich' ardson (Figs 8-10) St, Vi. This species has been known in Scot- land since the 1960s (Richardson, 1998)- From 1990-2004 there were 16 records of this fungus, all from Scotland, and all oti droppings of the blue or mountain hare (Lepus timidus), out of a total of 41 blue hare samples collected in Scotland. In contrast, it has not been found on samples of blue hare collected in England (1) or Ireland (2), or on samples of other species of hare frorn Scotland (3), England (6), France (19), USA (8), Chile (1) or the Falkland Islands (5)- It was also not recorded from eight samples from Finland collected in August 2004, some
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