Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 126

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 126
124 MIGRATION OF COD (GADUS MORHUA): TAGGING EXPERIMENTS AT THE FAROES 1952-1965 protected by closed areas, there should be many small closed areas scattered around Faroe Islands in order to protect local groups or populations of cod rather than a few large areas. The 1952-65 material shows that it may take some time to rec- olonise areas with low density of cod, es- pecially if they are far from high density areas, which could be the case if only a few closed areas were introduced. Acknowledgements We thank all people that have delivered tags and information to us. Without their contribution, this study would be impos- sible. We also thank Hjalti í Jákupsstovu and P. H. Enckell for valuable comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. References Anonyraous, 1953. A guide to fish marks. Journal du Conseil international pour I ’Exploration de la Mer 19: 241-289. Bagge, O. and Steffensen, E. 1989. Stock identification of demersal ftsh in the Baltic. Rapports et Proces- Verbaux des Reunions du Conseil International Pour l’Exploration de la Mer 190: 3-16. Blanchard, I.L., Heffernan, O.A. and Fox, C.J. 2005. North Sea (ICES Divisions IVa-c and VHd). In: Spawning and life history information for North Atlantic cod stocks: 76-88, edited by Brander, K. ICES Cooperative Research Report 274. Chouinard, G.A. and Swain, D.P. 2005. Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (NAFO 4T-Vn (November-April)). In: Spawning and life history information for North Atlantic cod stocks: 119-128, edited by Brander, K. ICES Cooperative Research Report 274. Danielssen, D.S. and Gjøsæter, J. 1994. Release of 0-group cod, Gadus morhua L., on the south- ern coast of Norway in the years 1986-1989. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 25 (sup- plement 1); 129-142. Easey, M.W. 1987. English cod tagging experiments to the north of Scotland 1977-1979. ICES C.M. 1987/GA8. Fjallstein, I. and Jákupsstovu, S.H. 1999. Release, recapture and migration of reared Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) on the Faroe Islands. In: Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching: 231-242, edited by Howell, B.R., Moksness, E. and Svásand, T. Fishing News Books. 606 pp. Floeter J. and Temming, A. 2003. Explaining diet composition of North Sea cod (Gadus morhud): prey size preference vs. prey availability. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60: 140- 150. Godø, O.R., Halland, T.I. and Ágotnes, P. 1986. Tagging experiment results on cod in western Norway fjord areas. ICES C.M. 1986IG: 80. ICES, 2004. Report of the North-Western Working Group. ICES CM 2004/ACFM:25. 446 pp. Jakobsen, T. 1987. Coastal cod in Northern Norway. Fisheries Research 5: 223-234. Jákupsstovu, S.H. and Reinert, J. 1994. Fluctuations in the Faroe Plateau cod stock. ICES marine Science Symposia 198: 194-211. Joensen, J.S. 1956. Merking av toski vestan fyri Suðuroy í 1952 (Marking of cod west of Suðuroy in 1952: in Faroese). Fróðskaparrit 5: 85-97. Jones, R. 1966. The cod and the cod ftshery at Faroe. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Fishery Investigations. Series II 24(5). 32 pp. Jónsson, J. 1996. Tagging of cod (Gadus morhua) in Icelandic waters 1948-1986. Rit Fiskideildar 14 (1): 1-82. Nolsøe D. 1963. Fiskimarkið (the Faroese fishery limit: in Faroese). Fróðskaparrit (Annales societa- tis scientiarum Færoensis) 12: 110-120. Nolsøe D. 1965. Fiskimarkið (the Faroese fishery limit: in Faroese). Fróðskaparrit (Annales societa- tis scientiarum Fceroensis) 14: 125-139. Ottersen, G. and Sundby, S. 2005. Acto-Norwegian cod. In: Spawning and life history information for North Atlantic cod stocks: 11-18, edited by Brander, K. ICES Cooperative Research Report 274. Pihl L. and Ulmestrand M. 1993. Migration pattern of juvenile cod (Gadus morhua) on the Swedish west coast. ICES Journal of Marine Science 50: 63-70. Rae, B.B. 1967. The food of cod on Faroese grounds. Marine Research 6: 23 pp. Robichaud, D. and Rose, G.A. 2004. Migratory behaviour and range in Atlantic cod: inference from a century of tagging. Fish and Fisheries 5: 185-214. Rollefsen, G. 1934. The cod otolith as a guide to race, sexual development and mortality. Rapports et Proces-Verbaux des Reunions du Conseil
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