Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 87

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 87
LUTFALSLIGA ÁVIRKANIN AV PROTOZOOPLANKTON OG KOPEPODUM Á VÁRBLÓMING 35 AV PLANTUPLANKTON Á LANDGRUNNINUM í 1999 tion all cells in the subsample were count- ed (on average 25-30 ciliates and 35-40 dinoflagellates). Each cell was measured and converted to biomass (cell carbon) using the equation for dinoflagellates and aloricate ciliates from Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000). The ingestion rate of the protozooplank- ton community during pre-bloom was cal- culated assuming that total loss rate was due to copepod grazing and no prey selec- tion by the copepods. The ingestion rate of the protozooplankton during this period is thus estimated from the calculated cope- pod ingestion rate during pre-bloom (us- ing both copepod egg production and the temperature dependent production method from Huntley and Lopez (1992)). During mid-bloom the growth rate constant p of the thecate heterotrophic dinoflagellates was calculated using the increase in bio- mass during mid-bloom: p = [ln(Bt/B0)]/ t, where Bc = biomass at the beginning of the period, Bj = biomass at the end, and t = length of the time interval (days). Inges- tion was calculated using a gross growth efficiency of 40% (Hansen et al., 1997). Copepods were sampled in vertical hauls from 50 m depth to the surface using a 200 pm mesh size WP-2 net. The volume filtered was measured with a Hydro Bios flow meter with back run stop attached to the net opening. A total of 3 replicate tows were taken on each cruise. Towing speed was 1/3-1/2 m s'1. The samples were pre- served in 4% buffered formaldehyde. In the laboratory, sub-samples of 300-400 animals were taken using a Motoda cyl- inder splitter, identified and counted. The cephalothorax length was measured on each copepod (total length for nauplii and non copepods), and biomass (pgC ind'1) was calculated using length/weight regres- sions derived from the literature specified for each group: Calanus finmarchicus (Hirche and Mumm, 1992); Pseudocala- nus spp., Temora spp. and Centropages spp. (Klein Breteler et al., 1982); Acartia spp. (Berggreen et al., 1988); Microcala- nus spp. and Oithona spp. (Sabatini and Kiørboe, 1994). For egg production measurements of C. finmarchicus, live females were col- lected using a 200 pm mesh size WP-2-net equipped with a 2 L non-filtering cod-end. Healthy females (n = 10-13) were incubat- ed individually at in situ temperature and dim light in false bottom containers (mesh size 400 pm) containing approximately 1 L of 60 pm filtered seawater. Incubation period was 24 h. After incubation, the eggs were filtered through a 30 pm mesh net and counted. Female cephalotorax and the diameter of 5-10 eggs were measured. Female carbon content was calculated ac- cording to length-weight regressions from Hirche and Mumm (1992). Assuming a carbon: DW of 0.6, egg carbon was calcu- lated using a volume to carbon conversion of 0.14 x 10'6 pgC pm"3 (Kiørboe et al., 1985). The ingestion rate of the copepod com- munity was estimated according to egg production in C. finmarchicus females. Egg production was converted to biomass specific production rates (P/B), and inges- tion rate was calculated for the entire co- pepod community using a gross growth
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