Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 92

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 92
90 THE relative importance of protozooplankton and copepods as grazers ON PHYTOPLANKTON DURING THE 1999 SPRING BLOOM ON THE FAROE SHELF Egg production Eggs x f1 x d'1 n Eggs X m'2 X d'1 Pre-bloom 4.5 ±1.9 42 9781 ± 4799 Mid-bloom 25 ± 6.2 47 42108 ± 18156 Table I. Average egg production ± SE (standard error of the mean) of Calanus finmarchicus during pre- and mid-bloom; n = number of replicates during the period. Egg production Fecundity of Calanus finmarchicus fol- lowed the pattern of chl a concentration (Fig. 4D). During pre-bloom it was low with an average of 4.5 eggs female"1 d"1, corresponding to an average of 9781 eggs m'2 d"' (Table 1). In late May, the egg production increased, reaching an average of 25 eggs female"1 d'1, corresponding to 42108 eggs m"2 d"1 during mid-bloom. On the last two sampling dates the abundance of healthy C. fmmarchicus females was too low for egg production measurements. The percentage of spawning females in- creased during the investigation period from 75% during pre-bloom to more than 95% during mid-bloom (Fig. 4D). Discussion Response of protozooplankton and copepods to the spring bloom The thecate heterotrophic dinoflagellates showed a clear response to the increase in phytoplankton standing stock from pre- to mid-bloom. Protoperidinium spp. first appeared during the transition period and increased in numbers during the rest of the investigation. This response in thecate het- erotrophic dinoflagellates is consistent with other results from coastal areas showing a dominance of thecate dinoflagellates in as- sociation with diatom blooms (Jacobson, 1987; Lessard 1991). The naked hetero- trophic dinoflagellates Gyrodinium spp. on the other hand, did not show any biomass response to the increased phytoplankton biomass. This is in contrast to other in- vestigations where the abundance of this species was closely related to the phyto- plankton spring bloom (Hansen, 1991; Smetacek, 1981). One possible reason for a lack of response in the naked hetero- trophic dinoflagellates could be due to the nature of their feeding mechanism. Naked heterotrophic dinoflagellates usually ingest intact prey of their own size by direct en- gulfment (Hansen and Calado, 1999); a phytoplankton bloom totally dominated by large spiny Chaetoceros species would therefore not seem to be their ideal prey item. Thecate dinoflagellates of the genus Protoperidinium, on the other hand, usu- ally ingest their prey with a pseudopodium that extends through the flagellar pore and envelopes the prey (Jacobson and Ander- son, 1986; Gaines and Elbráchter, 1987; Hansen and Calado, 1999). This feeding mechanism makes it possible for them to ingest relatively large prey organisms, like
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