

Sameiningin - 01.12.1927, Page 36

Sameiningin - 01.12.1927, Page 36
LARGEST PRIVATE COIYIMERCIAL SCHOOL IN CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE Ltd. :í85'/2 I’OIITAGE AVEXUE 1 Ð. F. FERGUSON, Pres. Cor. Portaoe Avenue and Edmonton Street VV. C. ANGUS, C.A. Prin. THE PUBLIC HAS CONFIDENCE IN’ THE SUCCESS Our annttal enroll- ment greatly e.vcecds tlie total conibinetl yearly enrollment of all otlier Busincss Colleges antl Privat.e Conuner- Cial Scliools in tiie Pro- vinee of Maniloba. i DAY SCIIOOL COURSES EMELOYMENT DEPAimiENT \Ye operate, fo’r tlie henefit ol* our graduates aml under-graduates, a free Einployinent Bu- reau, which registers siudenls wlio are quul- ilied for various office posiiions and intro- duees Ihem to busincss o])i>ortunities. Tliere is no eliarge io empioyers nor to our students lor tiiis service. 1. SECRETARIAL Bookkceping /ccaunting Arithmetic Raniii Ca’cjlation j Commere al Lavn Shorthand Typewitino S-ellinq Pcnmariship Office Routine________ >. OFFÍC.E MACHINERY ; Comntometer : Rurrouqhs Ca!e -lator Maehine Bookkeeping n'c*anhone 3. STENOGRAPHY S’ ellinn (Complete) OífC' Routino Bookkeeping and Ac- countinn (Elcmentarv) 5. ACCOUNTING Shorthand Accounting Tvpcwrit.nq Corrcsronderce Snellina Rapid Calculation Penmanshin Comme c'al Law Off c; Routine Correspondence 4. STENOGRAPHY Speiling ((Partial) Penmansh.n Shorthand öffc: Practiee Correspondence Penmanshin Typcwriting (Opt;onal) 6. HIGHER ACCOUNTING Cost Accjunting Retail Wholesale Commission Lumuer Manufacturing Co.'onration Automo' ile 7. GENERAL Arithmet:* Spelling English Grammar Punctuation '’ov.manchin. The Home of Suócess—Edmonton Block KXIIOl.I, \T ANY TIME PiION’E: 25 843—25 844 The Best Equijipeil, Best Comlucted Busincss CoIIege In Canada



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