Árdís - 01.01.1949, Side 82
Report on Temperance
As your representative, I have here a short report on our
work in the Manitoba Temperance Alliance.
On November 19th, 1948, the Manitoba Temperance Alliance
held a very successful convention. It was the largest gathering
since Prohibition was voted out in 1923, which shows that public
opinion is changing. With your assistance and others concerned,
we were able to balance our finances. A splendid report was sub-
mitted by our General Secretary, Mr. A. E. Floyd.
We had a man from the Alcoholics Anonymous, who gave us
a very interesting talk on the wonderful success of that Association,
both in the United States and Canada. They are becoming quite
strong in Winnipeg and curing many from alcoholism. But, our aim
is to save our young people from getting into that condition where
they need the help of the A.A.s. This will take a tremendous amount
of education and time.
At our last Convention, both our President, Rev. D. B.
Sparling and our General Secretary, Mr. A. E. Floyd, resigned.
They were succeeded by Mr. E. Chekland and Mr. C. N. Neaves
respectively. These new officers are very able men.
Mr Neaves’ experience in organizing will no doubt prove a
valuable asset to the work of the Manitoba Temperance Alliance.
He begins with a clean sheet in our work and with a resolve to
keep up a long family and personal record.
To further Temperance Education, may I make the following
1. Contact Mr. Neaves in the Mclntyre Building, Room 401.
He will do his best to serve you at any time you wish to have
Sound Films presented, or other information concerning our
Temperance Education or Local Option.
2. When he visits your district, relieve him of the responsibility of
making arrangements for the location, time and transportation
of the projector, etc.
3. The Temperance Alliance is badly in need of two full-time
Secretaries — the challenge is great — be a Booster.
Village Beer Sale License Protested
The Manitoba Temperance Alliance has asked the Provincial
Government to refrain from granting beer parlor licenses in
Villages without approval from the surrounding area.