

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1958, Blaðsíða 3

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1958, Blaðsíða 3
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ CHLwTRIDE j (Chloroihiazule) superior to other diuretiics because . . . increasing dosage fncreases diuretic respqnse AT HIGHER DOSAGE LEVELS Chlotnde replaces parenteral mercurials AT MEDIUM DOSAGE LEVELS Chlotride replaces oral mercurials AT LOWER OOSAGE LEVEL9 Chlotride replaces classic carbomc anhydrase mhibitors refractonness does not develop / nearly equimolar sodium and chloride excretion / less potassium and bicar- bonate excretion / metabolic acidosis cr hypokalemia most unlikely no evidence of toxicity / gastrointes- tinal sympto'ms are rare / action vir- tually complete withm 6 to 12 hours; patients can enjoy an uninterrupted mg|it's sleep oral convemence with no sacnfice of eftectiveness / no known cóntraindi- cations / effective even in the pres- ence of severe cardiac, renal and hepatic disease more and more significant advantages than any other diuretic MERCK SHARP & DOHME INTERNATIONAk. OIVI5ION OF MERCK 4 CO irvC-. ^61 Avenue of the Amer.cas, New York 13. N. Y. U. S. A.



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