

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1971, Page 42

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1971, Page 42
50 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ SUMMARY Search for hydatid cysts in organs from 6900 cattle and 1730 swine more than one year old killed in the years 1961-1970 gave negative results. Examination of organs from tens of thousands of sheep from all over the country during the years 1953-1970 revealed Echinococcus cysts in only fourteen ewes. These fourteen ewes wei’e all found in the same district, Sudur-Múlasýsla. Echinococcosis in animals is now extremely rare in Iceland. 200 dogs which were killed in the years 1950-1960 in the Reykjavík area were examined carefully but Echinococcosus granulosus could not be found. 2272 autopsies performed in the years 1932-1950 revealed that hydatid cysts are practically only found in persons born before the year 1890. There are probably various reasons for the disappearance of Echino- coccosis from Iceland. The main reason for this remarkable accomplishment is probably that through propaganda and information given by medical doctors the population became familiar with the nature of Echinococcosis and its prevention. A government regulation issued in 1869 ordering that hydatid cysts should be destroyed and dogs should be prevented from having access to hydatid cysts or raw offal, and reducing the number of dogs by imposing tax on those considered unnecessary has probably been of more effect than often thought. Repeated epizootics of dog distemper causing very high mortality (1870, 1888 and 1899) and annual export of great number of living wethers in the years 1870-1896 are also considered to have played some part in reducing the risk of infestation. HEIMILDIR 1. Eggert Ólafsson og Bjarni Pálsson: Rejse i gennem Island. Soroe 1772. 2. Guðm. Magnússon: Yfirlit yfir sögu sullaveiki á íslandi. Reykjavík 1913. 3. Jón Firisen: Iagttagelser angaaende Sygdoms Forholdene i Island. Kbh. 1874. 4. Jón Thorstensen: Medicinal Indberetning fra Landphysicus i Island for Aaret 1840. 5. Jónas Jónassen: Ekinokoksygdommen belyst ved islandske Lægers Erfaring. Kbh. 1882. 6. Jónas Kristjánsson: Sullarannsókn á sláturfé á Sauðárkróki haustið 1924. Læknablaðið 11, 1925, 6-10. 7. Krabbe, Harald: Helmintologiske Undersogelser i Danmark og paa Island. Kbh. 1865, 21-61. 8. Magnús Einarsson: Um dýrasjúkdóma, sem sýkt geta menn. Búnaðar- rit 15, 1901, 125-164. 9. Sami: Dýralækningabók. Rvík 1931. 10. Magnús Stephensen: Veterinair Selskabets. Skrifter, lste Deel, 1808. 11. Matthías Einarsson: Hvernig fær fólk sullaveiki? Læknablaðið 11, 1925, 89-100.



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