

Læknablaðið - 01.11.1972, Qupperneq 22

Læknablaðið - 01.11.1972, Qupperneq 22
164 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ I8IT SEND LÆKNABLAÐIIVÍJ Eftirfarandi rit hafa nýlega borizt blaðinu. Ritstjórn kann höfundum beztu þakkir. E. Skog & H. Guðjónsson, On the allergic origin of the Jarisch-Herx- heimer reaction. Acta dermato-venereologica 46:136-143. 1966. H. Guðjónsson & E. Skog, The effect of prednisolone on the Jarisch- Herxheimer Reaction. Ac,ta dermato-venerlogica 48:15-18. 1968. H. Guðjónsson & E. Skog, Fever after inoculation of rabbits with treponema pallidum. Proc. 18. Meeting Scand. Dermatol. ASS. Turku 1968. H. Guðjónsson & E. Skog, Fever after inoculation of rabbits with treponema pallidum. Britisli Journal of Venereal Diseases 46:318. 1970. H. Guðjónsson, B. Newman & T. B. Turner, Demonstration of a virus-like agent contaminating material containing the Stockholm substrain of the Nichols pathogenic treponema pallidum. British Journal of Venereal Diseases. 46:435. 1970. H. Guðjónsson, B. Newman & T. B. Turner, Screening out a virus-like agent from the testicular suspension of the Nichols pathogenic T. Pallidum. British Journal of Venereal Diseases 47. 1972. Haraldur Gujónsson, The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. Drg. Stokkhólm- ur 1972. Cancer incidence in Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. A comparative study. Ed. N. Ringertz. Icelandic collaborators: O. Bjarnason, H. Sigvaldason, H. Thoroddsen. Acta Pathoiogica et Microbiologica Scandinavia. Section A 1971. Su-pplement No. 221f. G. Georgsson & G. Pétursson, Fluorosis of sheep caused by the Hekla eruption in 1970. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Conference of I. S.F.R. The Hague 10/24-27/1971. G. Thordarson, O. Bjarnason, P. J. Lincoln & Barbara E. Dodd, ABH Secretor and Lewis type frequencies in an Icelandic series. Journal of Medical Genetics 9:46-47. 1972. Halldór Halldórsson, Metanolförgiftning. Opuscula Medica 17:124-130. 1972. Magnús Stefánsson, Gunnar Aagesen, Rolf Lundström & Gunilla Rosander, Gamma globul in solution for intravenous administration. Scandinavian Jour- nal of Infectious Diseases 4:53-56. 1972.
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