

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1973, Page 14

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1973, Page 14
98 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 99,5%, í tuba uterina um 95%, en minnki hins vegar líkurnar fyrir implantation í ovarii alls ekki. Af þessum 16 tilfellum hér er eitt ovarian graviditet, og er það eina ovarian graviditetið í þessum hópi. SUMMARY A short survey on ectopic pregnancy in Ice- land over a 10 year period, a preliminary re- port. Incidence, age and parity is tabulated in graphic forms, and compared to various other reports, I.U.C.D. and ectopic mentioned. HE.IMILDIR 1. Skulj, V. Significance of tubai pregnancy in the reproductive life of women. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 80:2. 1960. 2. Novak, E. R. & Woodruff, J. D. Novak’s Gynecologic and Obstetric Pathology. W. B. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1967. 3. Roth, D. B. Ectopic pregnancy: Is it in- creasing? Obst. Gyne. 13:5. 1959. 4. Breen, J. L. 21 year survey of 654 ectopie pregnancies. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 106:7. 1970. 5. Armstrong, J. T., Willis, S. H., Moore, J. & Lauden, A. E. Ectopic pregnancy. A re- view of 481 cases. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 77:2. 1959. 6. Beacham, W. D., Webster, H. D. & Beac- ham, D. W. Ectopic pregnancy at New Orleans Charity Hospital. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 72:4. 1956. 7. Crawford, E. & Hutchison, H. A decade oí reports on tubal pregnancies condensed from the literature plus three hundred consecutive cases without a death. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 67:3. 1954. 8. Bobrow, M. L. & Bell, H. G. Ectopic preg- nancy: A 16 year survey of 905 cases. Obst. Gyne. 20:4. 1962. 9. Marchetti, A. A., Kuder, K. & Kuder, A. A clinical evaluation of ectopic pregnancy. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 52:544. 1946. 10. Eastman, N. S. & Hellman, L. M. Williams Obstetrics (Ed. 13) Appleton. New York. 1966. 11. Sandmire, H. F. & Randall, J. H. Ectopic pregnancy. A review of 182 cases. Obst. Gyne. 14:2. 1959. 12. Soisson, F. L. & Moran, J. P. Ectopic preg- nancy: A review of fifty cases at TRIPLER U.S. Army Hospital. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 77:2. 1959. 13. Schiffer, M. A. A review of 268 ectopic pregnancies. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 86:2. 1963. 14. Douglas, C. P. Tubal ectopic pregnancy. Brit. Med. J. Oct. 5. 1963. 15. Mannfjöldaskýrslur. Hagstofa Islands. Reykjavík. 16. Bone, N. L. & Green, R. R. Histologic study of uterine tubes with tubal pregnancy. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 82:5. 1961. 17. Persaud, V. Etiology of tubal pregnancy. Obst. Gyne. 36:2. 1970. 18. Riva, H. L., Kammerad, L. A. & Anderson, P. S. Ectopic pregnancy. Report of 132 cases and eomments on the role of the culdoscope in diagnosis. Obst. Gyne. 20:2. 1962. 19. Heibrigðisskýrslur. Skrifstofa Landlæknis Reykjavík. 20. Bender, S. Fertility after tubal pregnancy. J. Obst. Gyne. Brit. Emir. 63. 1956. 21. Abrams, J. & Farell, D. M. Salphingectomy and salphingoplasty for tubal pregnancy. Survey of the literature. Obst. Gyne. 24:2 1964. 22. Skulj, V., Buranevic, A., Drazanic, A. & Stoiljkovic, C. The Arias-Stella pheno- menon in the diagnosis of ectopic preg- nancy. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 87:4. 1963. 23. Barnes, A. B., Grover, J. W. & Sudduth. S. S. Simultaneous Extra- and Intrauterine Pregnancy. Obst. Gyne. 31:1. 1968. 24. Ross, P. D. & Gunther, R. E. Combined Pregnancies. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 107:8 1970. 25. Pane, A., Sabatalle, R. & Reyniak, J. V. Ovarian Pregnancy with in situ I.U.C.D.: Report of two cases. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 108:4. 1970. 26. Lehfelot, H., Tietze, C. & Gorstein, F. Ovarian pregnancy and the intrauterine device. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 108:7. 1970. 27. Webster, H. D. Jr., Barclay, D. L. & Fischer, C. K. Ectopic pregnancy. A seven- teen year review. Amer. J. Obst. Gyne. 92:1. 1965.



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