

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1974, Side 29

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1974, Side 29
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 77 Þegar haft er í huga, að stór hluti primær heilamengisblæðinga orsakast af því að æðagúll hefur sprungið og að tíðni primær heilamengisblæðinga hérlendis er ■8.0/100.000 íbúa á ári,7 virðast líkurnar fyrir ættgengni óverulegar. Ekki hefur okkur tekist að sýna fram á skyldleika þessarar fjölskyldu við heila- blæðingaættir.8 ÁGRIP Gerð er grein fyrir þrem ættingjum, föð- ur og tveim dætrum hans (mynd 5), með heilaæðagúl. í tveim tilfellum hafði gúll- inn sprungið og sjúklingarnir verið skorn- ir upp. Tveir sjúklinganna höfðu fleiri en einn æðagúl. Aðgerðir á sjúklingunum voru gerðar í heilaskurðdeild Ríkisspítal- ans í Kaupmannahöfn (yfirlæknir próf. John Riishede). HEIMILDIR 1. Adams, Raymond, D., Lidnam, Richard, L. Introduction to Neuropathology. McGraw -Hill Book Company. New York, Toronto, Sydney, London. 1968. 2. Beumont, P. J. V. The familial occurrence of berry aneurysm J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat. 31:399-402. 1968. 3. Chakravorty, Benov G. and Gleadhill, Colin A. The Incidence of Cerebral Aneur- ysms. Brit. Med. J. 1:147-148. 1966. 4. Chambers, W. R., Harper, B. F. jr. and Simpson, J. R. Familial incidence of con- genital aneurysms of cerebral arteries. Re- port of cases of ruptured aneurysms in father and son. J.A.M.A. 155:358. 1954. 5. Dietlefsen, Else Marie Lindseth and Töni- um, A. M. Intracranial Aneurysms and Polycystic Kidneys. Acta Medica Scand. Vol. 168, fasc 1. (51-54). 1960. 6. Forbus, W. D. (1930): Cit. Pakarinen, S. 7. Gunnar Guðmundsson. Primary Subarach- noid hæmorrhagi in Iceland. Stroke 4:764- 767. 1973. 8. Guðmundsson, G., Hallgrímsson, J„ Jónas- son, T. Á. et al. Hereditary cerebral haem- orrhage with amyloidosis. Brain 95:387-404. 1972. 9. Pakarinen, S. Incidence, etiology and pro- gnosis of primary subarachnoid haemorr- hage. A study based on 589 cases diagnosed in a defined urban population during a de- fined period. Acta Neurol. Scand. (Suppl. 29) 43:1-128. 1967. 10. Pratt, R. T. C. The Genetics of Neurological Disorders, p. 123. Oxford University Press. London 1967. 11. Sarner, Martin and Crawford, Margaret, D. Ruptured intracranial aneurysm. Clinical series. Lancet 11:1251-1254. 1965. 12. Vijay K. Kak, Colin A. Gleadhill and Ian C. Bailey. The familial incidence of intra- cranial aneurysms. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat. 33:29-33. 1970. 13. Walton, J. N. Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. E. S. Livingstone Ltd., Edinburgh and Lon- don. SUMMARY A familial incidence of congenital aneurysms of cerebral arteries. Report of cases of father and two daughters. During the period 1967 to 1973 or from the opening of the Neurological department, Land- spítalinn (the only neurological department in Iceland), 68 patients were diagnosed as having cerebral aneurysm. Of these three were near relatives (or 4.4%), father (aged 39) and two of his daughters (aged 21). This paper des- cribes the history and progress of these three patients. In two of them the aneurysm had bled, but not in propositus. The pedigree shows that four near relatives had died from “cere- bral haemorrhage” (I 1 and 2, II 2 and 3). One of the siblings IV 3, age 17, has Klippel-Feil syndrome and a systolic murmur over t he heart base, and has probably had one grand mal attack. Another sibling IV 5, age 10, has been investigated for suspected vascular ano- maly of left arm. Migraine amongst near relatives is said to be common. The patients III, 1 and IV, 1, were operated in the neurosurgical depart- ment Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen (Chief, prof. J. Riishede).



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