

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1978, Blaðsíða 33

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1978, Blaðsíða 33
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 181 15. Jaffe HW: The laboratory diagnosis of syphilis. Annals of Internal Medicine. 83: 846-850, 1975. 16. Kahn, R.L.: A simple quantitative precipi- tation reaction for syphilis, second com- munication. Arch. dermat. and syph. V 734, 1922. 17. King, A.: Failure to control veneral disease. Br. Med.J. 1:451-457, 1970. 18. Király, K„ Prerau, H.: Evaluation of the T. Pailidum haemagglutination (TPHA) test for syphilis on „problem sera“. Acta dermatovener (Stockholm) 54:303-310, 1974. 19. Lassus, A., Mustakallio, K.K., Ako, K., Put- konen, T.: The order of apperance of re- activity to treponemal and lipoidal tests in early syphilis. Acta path. et. microbiol. scandinav. 69:612-613, 1967. 20. Le Clair, R.A.: Evaluation of a qualitative hemagglutination test for antibodies to Treponema pallidum. J. Infect. Dis. 123: 668-670, 1971. 21. Lesinski, J., Krach, J., Kadziewicz, E.; Specificity, sensitivity and diagnostic value of the TPHA test. Brit. J. Vener. Dis. 50: 334-340, 1974. 22. Logan, L.C., Cox, P.M.: Evaluation of a Quantitative Automated Miero-heamggluti- nation Assay for Antibodies to Treponema pallidum. Amer. J. clin. Path. 53: 163-166, 1970. 23. Luger, A., Spendlingwimmer I: Der auto- matisierte Mikro-Hámagglutinations Test mit Treponema pallidum Antigen (AMHA- TP-Test). Hautarzt 25:238-244, 1974. 24. Macfarlane, D.E., Hare, K„ Elias-Jones, T.F.: Evaluation of automated large-scale screening tests for syphilis. J. clin. path. 29: 317-321, 1976. 25. Mackey, D.M., Price, E.V., Know, J.M., scotti, A.: Specificity of the FTA-ABS test for syphilis. JAMA 207:1683-1685, 1969. 26. Manual of serologic tests for syphilis. Fede- ral security agency. Public health service, division of veneral disease. United States government printing office, Washington: 1949. 27. Meinicke, E.: Serologie moderne de la syphilis. Ann. de 1‘inst. Pasteur xl, 876, 1926. 28. Miller, J.N.: Value and limitations of nontreponemal and treponemal tests in the laboratory diagnosis of syphilis. Clin. Obst. and Gyn. 18: 1, 191-203, 1975. 29. Moore, J.E., Mohr, C.F.: Biologically false positive serologic tests for syphilis. JAMA, 150:467-473, 1952. 30. Rudolph, A.H., Duncan, W.C.: Syphilis — diagnosis and treatment. Clin. Obst. and Gyn. 18:1, 163-182, Mar. 1975. 31. Sparkling, P.F.: Diagnosis and treatment of syphilis. New Engl. J. Med. 284:642—653, 1971. 32. Tuffanelli, D.L., Wuepper, K.D., Bradford, L.L., Wood, R.M.: Fluorescent Treponemal — antibody Absorption Tests. New Engl. J. Med. 276:258-262, 1967. 33. Turner, T.B.: The future direction of re- search into syphilis. In: Sexually transmit- ted diseases. Academic press, New York and London pp. 221—230, 1976. 34. United States Department of health edu- cation and welfare, Public health service. Serologic tests for syphilis. pp. Washington, D.C.: Government printing office, 1964 (Pub. No. 411). 35. Veldkamp, J„ Visser, A.M.: Application of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in the serodiagnosis of syphilis. Brit. J. vener. dis. 51:227-231, 1975. 36. Wallace, J.: Blood transfusion for clinicians. lst. ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, London, New York 1977, p. 286. 37. Wallin, J.: Syfilissjukdommen i Sverige. Lakartidningen 71:3383-3384, 1974. 38. Wuepper, K.K., Tuffanelli, D.L.: False- positive reaction to VDRL test with prozone phenomena. JAMA, 195:868-869, 1966. 39. Willcox, R.R.: Aspects of veneral diseases and nonveneral treponematoses. Clin. Obst. and Gyn. 18:1, 207-222, 1975. 40. Zachariae, H.: Syphilis i Danmark — 1975. Ugeskrift for læger 137:1348, 1975.
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