

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1978, Blaðsíða 40

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1978, Blaðsíða 40
188 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ HEIMILDIR 1. Grigor R.R., Hughes GRV. Brit. Med. Journ. 1044, 1976. 2. Hjaltested, Ólú Fundargerðarbók Læknafé- lagsins Eir 1954. 3. James, G.D., Neville E., Carstairs L.S. Sem. Arthritis and Rheumatism 6 No 1:53, 1976. 4. Mayock R.L, Bertrand P, Morrison C, Scott J.H. Am. J. Med. 35:67, 1963. 5. Reiner M., Sigurdsson G., Nunziata V., Malik M.A., Poole G.W., Joplin G.F.. Brit. Med J. 2. 1473, 1976. 6. Selroos O. Acta Med. Scand. Supplement 503 1969. 7. Sharma, O.P. Postgrad. Med. 61:67. 1977. 8. Sigfússon N. Hjartavernd. 2:23. 1977. 9. Sigurdsson S. Tuberculosis in Iceland. 68. U.S.A. Public Health Service Technical Monograph No 2, 1950. Læknablaðið — leiðrétting í 3. tbl. 1978 í síðasta tölublaði birtist grein um ald- ursstöðlun eftir Hrafn Tulinius og Helga Sigvaldason, (Læknablaðið, Júlí 1978, bls. 133). Vegna mistaka féllu niður textar við töflur og birtast þeir því hér, ásamt „summary". Er Iesendum bent á að líma það aftan við greinina. Greinin í réttu formi hefur verið sérprentuð og geta þeir sem óska, fengið eintak sent frá Lækna- blaðinu eða höfundum. Ritstjórn biður höf- unda og lesendur afsökunar á mistökunum. Table II: The figures in these tables are from Thjodleifsson.10 Table III: The mean population for the year 1976 is the arithmetic mean of the number in each age group on December 31, 1975 and December 31, 1976.4 0 Age specific rate/105 is the number of cases divided by the mean population multiplied by 10r>, e.g. age group 80—84. 28/1165 x 105 = 2403.4 Expected number of cases is the age specific rate/10r> multiplied by standard population, e.g. age group 80—84 2403.4 x 1000/105 = 24,0 Age standardized rate 105 is the sum of expected number of cases/105 for all age groups. Table V: For each country and sex the first line lists the first year known, which is either 1960 or 1961, and the third line gives the last year known, either 1974 or 1975. The second line gives the highest mortality rate during the entire period. Mortality rate standardized to the ,,world“ population is used. The information on this table is obtained from the Division of Vital Health Statistics of the World Health Organization and has been complied from causes of death reports from the respective governments. SUMMARY Age standardization The article describes age standardization to a standard population. It warns against inaccu- racy of the method and compares it with direct comparison of age specific rates. It describes the method of using a standard population for age standardization and proposes an Icelandic standard population. This proposal is shown in Table I and there compared with the „world" population of Segi.
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