

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1987, Síða 18

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1987, Síða 18
158 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ forspárgildi fyrir kransæðasjúkdóm er viðsnúningur á U-takka (13). Niðurstöður okkar benda til þess að töluverð fylgni sé á milli sjúkrasögu og niðurstöðu áreynsluprófsins. í áhættuhópi var áreynsluprófið gagnlegt til að finna merki um kransæðasjúkdóm. Eftirathugun leiddi í ljós, að okkur hafði ekki við áreynsluprófin yfirsést neinn einstaklingur með alvarlegan kransæðasjúkdóm og virðist því áreynsluprófið einnig gagnlegt til að útiloka útbreiddan kransæðasjúkdóm. Það er þó talið til lítils að leita að kransæðasjúkdómi með áreynsluprófi hjá einkennalausum einstaklingum, til dæmis í hópskoðunum vegna hlutfallslegrar aukningar á fjölda falsk-jákvæðra prófa (14-17). Lokaorð: Megin ályktanir okkar eftir reynslu af þessum áreynsluprófum á Fjórðungssjúkrahúsinu á Akureyri eru sem hér segir: Áreynsluprófið er gagnlegt til að finna kransæðasjúkdóm í áhættuhópi. Áreynsluprófið virðist einnig gagnlegt til að útiloka kransæðasjúkdóma á alvarlegu stigi. Áreynsluprófið er áhættulítið, en fylgikvillar geta þó verið alvarlegir og er því skylt að viðhafa fyllsta öryggi. Þakkir: Höfundar færa Valgerði Jónsdóttur sérstakar þakkir, en hún aðstoðaði við öll áreynsluprófin. SUMMARY Exercise test on bycycle ergometer. Review of 146 tests at Akureyri Hospital (FSA). Between October lst 1983 and March lst 1985, 146 exercise tests were performed on 140 individuals (6 were tested twice). 103 males and 37 females. Their age was from 9 to 75 years, with an average of 50.5 years. Forty two had signs indicating coronary artery disease, 90 were negative, and 8 had an uncertain outcome. The group was divided into 6 subgroups on account of their clinical symptoms and indications for the test. Group 1 comprised patients with clear angina pectoris, a total of 30, group 2 suspision of angina pectoris, 29, group 3 chest pain of other origin, 27, group 4 indications other than coronary artery disease, 14, group 5 individuals without symptoms, 23, group 6 previous known coronary artery disease (previous infarction, coronary operation or angiography). 83% of group 1 were positive, 28% of group 2, 52% of group 6 but none of groups 3, 4 and 5. Of 42 positive individuals, 23 were referred for coronary angiography and 19 received drug treatment only for their symptoms, without further investigation. Of 23 who had coronary angiography, 21 were found to have coronary artery disease, one had a valve disease and one hand normal coronary arteries but had typical history of angina pectoris. Fourteen underwent coronary bypass, 2 underwent PTCA and 4 received drug treatment only. One died suddenly while waiting operation. A follow up was performed on the whole group 12 to 30 months after the exercise test. Of 98 who had negative or an uncertain outcome, none had had any major coronary episode or any symptoms of coronary disease. The exercise test as performed at Akureyri hospital was obviously useful in discovering coronary artery disease in a risk group. The exercise test was also useful in ruling out serious coronary artery disease as a cause of chest pain. The exercise test was a safe procedure, risks and complications were few, but potentially dangerous, emphasizing the importance of utmost precaution during the test. HEIMILDIR 1. Fox KM. Exercise testing in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease. (Editorial). Br Med J 1982; 284: 611-12. 2. Bjurö T, Westling H. Klinisk fysiologi. Esselte studium, 4. útg. 1985, 270-94. 3. Sheffield LT. Exercise stress testing. í: Heart disease. A textbook of cardiovascular medicine. Ritstýrt af Braunwald E. W.B. Saunders Company 1984, 258-78. 4. McNeer JF, Margolis JR, Lee KL et al. The role of exercise test in the evaluation of patients for ischaemic heart disease. Circulation 1978; 57: 64. 5. Akhras F. Increased diastolic blood pressure response to exercise testing when coronary artery disease is suspected: and indication of severity. Br Heart J 1985; 53: 598-602. 6. Astrom H, Jonsson B. Design of exercise test, with special reference to heart patients. Br Heart J 1976; 38: 289-96. 7. Krone RJ, Gillespie JA, Weld FM et al. Low level exercise testing early after myocardial infarction: usefulness in enhancing clinical risk stratification. Circulation 1985; 71: 80-9. 8. Jennings K, Reid DS, Hawkins T, Julian DG. Role of exercise testing early after myocardial infarction in identifying candidates for coronary surgery. Br Med J 1984; 288: 185-7. 9. Ellestad MH, Cooke Jr BM, Greenberg PS. Stress testing: Clinical application and predictive capacity. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 1979; 21: 431-60. 10. Rochimis P, Blackburn H. Exercise test: A survey of procedures, safety and litigation experience in approximately 170.000 tests. JAMA 1971; 217: 1061-6. 11. Robb GP, Marks H. Post-exercise electrocardiogram in arteriosclerotic heart disease. JAMA 1967; 200: 918-26. 12. Sheffield LT. Another perfect treadmill test? (Editorial) New Engl J Med 1985; 313: 633-5. 13. Young SG, Froelicher VF. Exercise testing: An update. Modern Concepts of Cardiovascular disease 1983; 52: 25-8. 14. Hollenberg M, Zoltick JM, Go M et al. Comparison of a quantitative treadmill exercise score with standard electrocardiographic criteria in screening asymptomatic young men for coronary artery disease. New Eng J Med 1985; 313: 600-6.



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