Læknablaðið - 15.09.1992, Síða 13
Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT) (13). Sem
dæmi um samverkun áhættuþátta má nefna að
það að vera karl er áhættuþáttur í sjálfu sér
og magnar áhrif kólesterólsins. Þegar fleiri
áhættuþættir koma saman verða áhrifin enn
The Reykjavik Study 1967-1985: Risk factors
for coronary heart disease mortality have been
investigated in a prospective study of 8001
randomly selected Icelandic men and 8468 women.
The men were aged 34-64 and the women 34-76
at the time of their íirst examination. After follow-
up from 2-17 years 1140 (14.2%) of the men and
537 (6.3%) of the women had died. Coronary heart
disease accounted for 43% of the mortality among
the men, cancer 27% and cerebrovascular disease
7%. This distribution is in contrast to what was
found among the women. Coronary heart disease
accounted for 19.4% of the mortality, cancer 42.3%
while the relative contribution of cerebrovascular
mortality was similar.
The effects of various risk factors were assessed
simultaneously with multivariate survival analysis
using the Cox’s proportional hazards model. Age,
semm total cholesterol, triglycerides, smoking
and systolic blood pressure were all significant
independent risk factors for coronary heart disease
mortality in both sexes. Fasting blood sugar was
of borderline significance, reaching significance
among men, but not among women. Body mass
index and former history of smoking were not
significant independent risk factors.
The relative contribution of major risk factors
for coronary heart disease mortality is similar
among Icelandic men and women. However, since
the women have much lower risk of dying from
coronary heart disease than the men the absolute
risk associated with each of the risk factors is much
lower in the women.
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