Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.09.1993, Blaðsíða 36

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.09.1993, Blaðsíða 36
34 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ/FYLGIRIT 24 V 6 Mælingar á TSH-receptor antibodies Gu&mundur Sigþórsson, Matthías Kjeld. Rannsóknastofan í Domus Medica, Rannsóknastofa Landspítalans. Ofstarfsemi í skjaldkirtli stafar oftast af sjálfsofnæmi og myndast IgG mótefni gegn TSH viötökum (receptors), sem hafa í flestum tilfellum.líkt og TSH, örvandi áhrif á kirtilinn. TSH-viötaka mótefni ættu því aö vera sérhæf mæling fyrir þennan sjúkdóm og aöferöir hafa veriö aö þróast. Hérlendis hafa engar slíkar mælingar veriö geröar fram aö þessu. Viö höfum því mælt þessi mótefni (TSH- receptor antibodies (TRAb)), meö aöferö, sem notast viö uppleysta viötaka, í sermi hjá fjórum hópum fólks; heilbrigöum, hyper- thyroid og tveimur hópum sjúklinga eftir geislajoömeöferö, euthyroid og hypothyroid á T4 meöferö. Styrkur mótefnanna í sermi er metinn eftir getu þeirra til aö hindra bindingu geislamerkts TSH viö viötökin og er gefinn upp í hundraöshlutum. Hjá 17 heilbrigöum einstaklingum á ýmsum aldri reyndust gildin vera frá 0 til 12.9, meöaltal 7.15%, hjá 12 hyperthyroid sjúkl. voru gildin frá 6.1 til 79.5, meöaltal 39.4%. Hjá sjúklingum eftir geislameöferö mældust gildin frá 1.7 til 22.7, meöaltal 13.5% fyrir euthyroid hópinn og frá 4.45 til 67.6, meöaltal 18.7% fyrir hypothyroid hópinn. Bæði hyperthyroid sjúklingarnir og þeir, sem höföu fengiö geislameöferö voru marktækt hærri en heilbrigöir (p<0.001). Sjúklingahóparnir tveir, sem höföu fengiö geislameöferö voru marktækt lægri (p<0.001) en hyperthyroid hópurinn, en ekki var marktækur munur á milli þeirra innbyröis. Frekari tengsl mótefnanna viö hormónastyrk í sermi voru könnuö og veröa kynnt. Niöurstöður þessara mótefnamælinga benda til þess aö geislameöferö á ofstarfandi kirtli lækki mótefnastyrk í sermi, en aö undirliggjandi sjúkdómur sé í flestum tilfellum áfram til staöar. Hugsanlegt er aö TRAb mælingar geti komiö aö gagni viö aö meta horfur sjúklinga eftir geislameöferö, en ennþá hefur tiltölulega lítið birst um þaö efni. V 7 A STUDY OF REGIONAL CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW' AND EVENT RELATED POTENTIALS IN CHRONIC SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENTS. S.B.Stefánspon*, E.Pétufsson^, G.Elíasson"> Ó.Bjarnason ^and D.Daviðsson* Departments of Psychiatry and Nuclear Medicine”, Landspitalinn, Iceland. Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and event related potentials (ERP) have been reported abnormal in schizophrenic patients. Our aim was to study whether there is a relationship between these two indicators of abnormal cerebral function in schizophrenic patients. rCBF, as revealed by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and the P3 component of the auditory ERP were studied in a group of 9 patients (age 21-35 years) and 8 normal subjects (age 20-48 years). The patients fulfilled DSM-in criteria for schizophrenia and were al! on neuroleptic medication. Auditory stimuli consisted of a series of 250 Hz and 1000 Hz tones presented binaurally at 75 dB The subjects were asked to count the 1000 Hz tones which occurred irregularly with 25% probability. The amplitude of the P3 component of the ERP evoked by the 1000 Hz tone was measured at the vertex. SPECT was performed with Starcam 3000 gamma camera after i.v. injection of 555 MBq ofTc-99m-hexamethylpropyIeneamineoxim. Quantitative evaluation of rCBF was done on 4 sagittal slices in each hemisphere. Each slice was 1.9 cm thick and was divided into 10 regions of interest (ROI), each with an area of 4 x 4 cm Maximal counts in each ROI was divided by the sum of maximal counts in 6 slices of the cerebellum. This ratio was used as a measure of rCBF in each ROI. rCBF was found to be lower in the patient group than in the control group in the left medial ffontal region (P = 0.03) but higher in the left medial fronto-temporal region (P = 0.04). The P3 component ofERP had lower amplitude in the patients than in the controls (P = 0.04). The blood flow pattem suggest a left fronto-temporal dysfunction in the schizophrenic patients. For some of the patients there was evidence of reduced rCBF in other cerebral regions, a possible reflection of the very varying symptomatology in schizophrenia. No convincing relationship was found between the rCBF pattem and the reduced P3 amplitude in the patient group.


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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