Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.09.1993, Blaðsíða 37

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.09.1993, Blaðsíða 37
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ/FYLGIRIT 24 35 CLONING AND CHARACTERIZATION OF THE HUMAN AND MOUSE HOMOLOGS OF A SODIUM DEPENDENT PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTER Kristleifur Kristjánsson, Samuel S. Chong, Christine A Kozak, James E. Bourdeau and Mark R. Hughes. Institute for Molecular Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas. X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH) is the most commonly inherited bone disease in man. In addidon to bowing of weight bearing bones with secondary pain and restricted movements of joints, this condition is characterized by phosphaturia in the presence of lowered serum phosphate. The primary defect has long been assigned to a defective sodium dependent phosphate transponer in the proximal convoluted tubule of the kidney. Cloning of the gene for this transporter would be instrumental in understanding the pathophysiology of the disease. We have cloned and sequenced the murine and human homologs of a sodium dependent phosphate transport gene. The open reading frames are 1393 and 1400 base pairs for the mouse and human cDNA respectively, producing predicted protein products with molecular weights of approximately 51,500. There is approximately 75% homology at the nucleotide level between the mouse and the human cDNA. We have mapped the genes to chromosome 13 in the mouse and chromosome 6 (p21.3-p23) in the human. Northem blots using RNA from various mouse tissues show the expression to be kidney specific. Using antisense mRNA to the mouse clone as a probe, in situ hybridization against mouse renal tissue sections shows significant localization of the transcript to cells of the proximal convoluted tubules compared to other cells of the kidney. The autosomal localization of these genes excludes them as candidate genes for XLH and the mouse model to the human disease, Hyp. Functional analyses and characterization of these gene products will help to define theirrole in phosphate transport and mineral homeostasis. PREIMPLANTATION PREVENTION OF X- LINKED DISEASE: RELIABLE AND RAPID SEX DETERMINATION OF SINGLE HUMAN CELLS BY RESTRICTION ANALYSES OF SIMULTANEOUSLY AMPLIFIED ZFX AND ZFY SEQUENCES Kristleifur Kristjánsson, Samuel S Chong, Juan Cota and Mark R. Hughes. Institute for Molecular Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas. We present a reliable PCR-based strategy for sex determination at the single cell level using a restriction enzyme polymorphism to distinguish between the co- amplified region of ZFX and ZFY. A nested set of primers was designed to simultaneously amplify a 344bp exon segment of the zinc finger domain of ZFX and ZFY which lie centromeric to the pseudoautosomal region of the respective sex chromosomes. Digestion of the amplified ZFX segment with HAEIII yields two firagments of 44bp and 300bp, in contrast to three fragments of 44bp, 84bp and 216bp when the ZFY segment is digested. Therefore, an XY genotype can be clearly distinguished on a polyacrylamide minigel by the presence of 4 bands (44, 84, 216, 300) as opposed to 2 bands (44, 300) for an XX genotype. The entire analysis is routinely performed in less than 6 hours. We tested the efficacy of this strategy in a blinded analysis of single human lymphoblasts, amniocytes and chorionic villus cells that included blanks as negative controls. Cells were individually micromanipulated into separate PCR reaction mbes under conditions that avoid exogenous DNA/cell contamination. Of a total 206 amplification tubes 173 of 174 (99.4 % V 9 sensitivity) containing single cells successfully amplified, and none of the blank mbes (0/32) showed evidence of product All 173 of the single cells that amplified were correctly typed as XX or XY (100% assay specificity). This strategy avoids a source of misdiagnosis obtained in methods where Y-chromosome repeat sequences are used but fail to amplify in XY cells, incorrectiy resulting in an XX diagnosis. It also represents a simplification over methods which amplify separate sequences on the X and Y chromosome, since ZFX &ZFY can be amplified with the same primer pair. The presence of a common HaelII site in both X and Y derived fragments serves as a built-in control for failure of enzyme digestion. This strategy is useful for rapid determination of the genotypic sex in newboms with ambiguous phenotype, and in forensic analysis where small samples are common. In preimplantation diagnosis, this method offers reliable single blastomere analysis of the human cleavage stage embryo to avoid uncharacterized, lethal X-linked genetic disease prior to pregnancy.


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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