Búskapur hins opinbera 1980-1984 - 01.02.1986, Blaðsíða 83
Vi'Wsi I
Enqlish tr<inslatlon of tdble-hcddlngs.
í ibl«> 1.1 ÚtqjöM hins oplnbor.i og vor«j ldndsfrdmloiðsl.i. Totdl outldys of gonerdl governmont und GDP.
r.ibií- 1 .? Hlutfdl Islog skipting t'íknd og útyjdldd hins opinhord oftir viðfdncjsofnum ogmilll ríkis, 5v.?itdrfcl.igd og dliiwnndtrygging.i. Percentdge bredkdown of generdl govern- ment revcnuos <md outldys by function dnd by centrdl government, locdl government dnd socidl securlty system.
T.ib 1 «■» 1.3 Vcrgur sjwrndður hins opinbord dsamt breytingu sjóðs, Idnvcitingd og dnndrrd verðbréfd. Generdl government gross sdvinq dnd chdnges in cdsh, lodn dccounts, pdydble dnd roceivdble <ind other bonds (Net lendir\g).
Tdblo ?. ]-?.? rokju- og útgjdlddreikninqdr og fjúrmdgns- str*.*y«ni hins opinbera. Generdl government income <ind outldy dccount dnd cdpitdl dccumuldtion dccount.
l.ib • ?. í-?.4 Tokju- og útgjdlddreiknlngdr og fjdrmdgns- Stroymi ríkisins. Centrdl govcrnment incomo dnd outldy dccount dnd cdpitdl dccumjldtion dccount.
Tdt) 1 n 6 Tekju- og ijtgjd Jddreikningdr og fjdrmdgns- strey.ni sveitdrféldgdnnd. Locdl government income <ind outldy dccount dnd cdpitdl dccumuldtion dccount.
Tdbl'1 ?.7-?.S lokju- og útgjdhidreikningdr og fjdrmdgns- strt'ymi dlmdnndtryggingdkerfisíns. Socidl security system income dnd outldy dccount dnd cdpitdl dcojmjldtion dccount.
Idbl.- 3.1 Tekjijr hins opinberd, innbyrðis skipting þeirrd og hlutfdll df ldndsfrdmleiðslu. Generdl government current reccipts, their bredkdown dnd their percentdge of GDP.
T.iblo 3.? Sjnd.jrliðun <í skötlum ríkissjóðs. Detdiled dccount of centrdl government tdxes.
Tiblo 3. 3 Sijndurliðun <í sköttum sveitdrfélugd. Detdiled dccount of locdl government tdXCS.
Tdbln 3.4 iiei Iddrútgjöld hins opinberd og hlutfdilslcg sundurliðun þoirrd. Generdl govcrnment totdl outldys dnd their reldtive components.
Tdbl«' 3.S HeiIdurútgjöld hins opinberd sem hlutfdl1 df tekjum þess og vergri ldndsfrdmloiðslu. Generdl government totdl outldys ds totdl pcrcentdge of its totdl current receipts dnd of GDP.
Tdblo 4.1 Sdmnoysld hins opinberd eftir viðfdngsefnum <í vorðlugi hvers <írs og <í verðl.igi úrsins 1980. Generdl government findl consumption cxpenditures by function dt current prices dnd dt 1980 mdrket prlces.
Tdblo 4.? Sdmnoysld hins opinberd som hlutföll df tekjum þr*ss og df vergri ldndsfrdmloiðslu. Gcnerdl government findl consumption expenditures ds d precentdge of its totdl current receipts dnd of GDP.
Tdblo 4.3 Hlutur Idund í sdmneyslu hins opnberd <í verð- l.igi hvers <írs og sem hlutfdll df hverjum undirflokki. Compensdtion of employees in generdl government consnnption expenditures dt current prices, dnd ds d percentdge of
cach typo of exponditure.