

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2006, Page 19

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2006, Page 19
ASPIRÍVA(TIOTROPIUM) Meira loft í lungun Frelsi SPIRIVA" er grunnurinn í meðhöndlun á LLT12) - Heimildir: I) Medicinsk Kompendium 2004; bls 1331. 2)Tashkin et al. Review.The Role of Long-Acting Bronchodilators in the Management of Stable COPD. CHEST 2004;125:249-259. 3) O'Donnell et al. Effects of tiotropium on lung hyperinflation dyspnoea and exercise tolerance in COPD. Eur Respir J 2004;23:832-840. 4) Casaburi et al.A long-term evaluation of once daily inhaled tiotropium in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Eur Respir J 2002; 19:217-224. 5) Vincken et al. Improved healtf °utcomes in patients with COPD during I years treatment with tiotropium. Eur Respir J 2002;19:209-216. A. Minnkar mæði við áreynslu31 A Eykur úthald við áreynslu31 A Fækkar versnunum og innlögnum vegna þeirraí! A Eykur lífsgæði sjúklings5' Umboðsaðili:Vistor hf. Hörgatúni 2,210 Garðabær Sími: 535 7000, www.pfizer.is Sérlyfjatexti á bls. 76 Boehringe Ingelheim



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