Bókasafnið - 01.10.2008, Qupperneq 27

Bókasafnið - 01.10.2008, Qupperneq 27
BÓKASAFNIÐ 32. ÁRG. 2008 25 gæfni og er óhætt að segja að hún hafi staðið sig með miklum sóma. Fyrir hönd bókasafns- og upplýsingafræðiskorar vil ég færa bestu þakkir til allra þeirra fjölmörgu sem sameinuðust um að leggja hönd á plóginn og veittu stuðning við að halda ráðstefnuna og afmælishátíðina um kvöldið. Heimildir Háskóli Íslands (án árs). Brautskráningar kandídata. Sótt 13.12.2007, http://www.hi.is/id/1001815 Norslis: Nordic Research School in Library and Information Science (2004). Sótt 13.12.2007, http://www.norslis.net/ Sigrún Klara Hannesdóttir (1989). Framtíðarstefna í bókasafns- og upplýsingafræði við Háskóla Íslands. Erindi flutt á málþingi félags bókasafnsfræðinga í Gerðubergi 11. mars 1989, nokkuð breytt. Bóka- safnið, 13(1): 33-35. Sigrún Klara Hannesdóttir (1997). Kennsla í bókasafns- og upplýsinga- fræði 1956-1996. Í: Guðrún Pálsdóttir og Sigrún Klara Hannesdóttir (ritstj.). Sál aldanna: Íslensk bókasöfn í fortíð og nútíð. [Reykjavík]: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, Háskólaútgáfan, s. 403-515. Abstract Iniative and professionalism: conference to cele- brate 50 years of library education in Iceland In the academic year of 2006 to 2007 there were 50 years since education in library science education in Iceland began. This occasion was celebrated with a one-day confer- ence, Frumkvæði og fagmennska, on the future of library and information science education. After the conference there was a reception by the invitation of the National and University Library. This was followed by a gala-dinner, entertainment and dancing. The article starts by giving a brief overview of the main occasions in the teaching of library and information science from the beginning, andthen goes to discussion of the conference and the celebration in the same evening. The conference was held on March 23rd 2007 and was very well attended, with around 100 guests. Among the invited speakers at the conference were Dr. Ken Haycock, Professor at the School of Library and Information Science, San José State University in California and Gitte Larsen from The Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark. Dr. Ken Haycock presented a paper on 21st century librar- ianship: new clients, new tools and new attitudes. In her paper Gitte Larsen discussed continuing education and the prospects and needs of the profession to keep up with the rapid changes in our societies. Other speakers at the con- ference were for example Dr. Sigrún Klara Hannesdóttir, professor emeritus, who spoke about the development in library and information science education in Iceland in the past 50 years and what had been achieved by it.
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